*Reduce Higher Order Functions *
Learning with the help of exapmle :-
const arr =[2,3,4,5,6];
// c is a procedural language
// c++ and java is a object oriented language
// javascript is a functional programming language
//reduce returns only single time after executing the whole program
let addition =arr.reduce(function(sum,value){
let updatedsum =sum+value;
return updatedsum
// 👉ans ->20
let multiplication =arr.reduce(function(product,value){
let updatedproduct =product*value;
return updatedproduct
// 👉ans->720
// (It is same as reduce , only diffrence is that it runs from right)
let addition1=arr.reduceRight(function(sum,value){
let updatedsum1=sum+value;
return updatedsum1
// ans->20
For hand written notes :
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