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What It Takes to Get Certified to Review Code At Google

Brennan on November 14, 2018

Many PullRequest code reviewers have experience at big tech companies, like Facebook, Amazon, or Netflix. The following Q&A with one of our rev...
evandroferreiras profile image
Evandro Souza

I think that things related to code style could be automated using some lint tool. Code reviewers should be concerned only about the code logic.

maybealxtz profile image
Alex Tzeng

CL seems to be a google-specific word, is there anyway you could provide an alternative term?

bangel profile image

It means Change lists:

vdedodev profile image
Vincent Dedo

That sounds like the way I used to review code in my old place, just pointing out every style issue that made the code "ugly" in my mind. Perhaps I should go for a job at Google.

advaitju profile image
Advait Junnarkar

I wouldn't take a code review personally, it's an opportunity to learn and improve. You ought not to hold back in any way!