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Tips for New Programmers. 1. Read Documentation (Add yours)


Yes! Read the Docs

It might looks pretty boring but you'll be saving yourself a lot of heartache.☺️

  • What's your Tip for a Coding Newbie?

  • What have you learnt that you've been doing wrong?

  • What would you change if you were starting afresh?

Please leave a comment.🤭🤭

Top comments (8)

tipseason profile image
Tip Season
  1. Start creating your own personal blog/project right from the beginning of your career. This helps you learn a lot. You can use markdown (Cheatsheet here: ) to create your own blog.
  2. Once you see some documentation try to automate a small task using that specific topic. Eg: If you are reading about timers, try to create your own alarm using the info.
prudence97 profile image

Writing a blog is a very underrated idea. I understand most people won't really want to do it.

🤷Some people don't really like writing. But it's helps you keep track of all you've learnt

tipseason profile image
Tip Season

Ya it depends on interest😊 I have seen both kinds of people who likes it and who don’t like it. But the goal is to have a clean notes of that you learnt right from the beginning. If I were to start fresh keeping notes is some thing I would like to change for myself as we tend to forget lot of things .
Working on a product or an app is also other ways to keep track of coding

yongchanghe profile image
Yongchang He

For most of the time, docs would be helpful!

lightblog profile image
Light AI

Shameless plug, check out LightDocs if you want an easy way to generate and maintain documentation

prudence97 profile image

Will do 😂😂

prudence97 profile image

Yesss😂😂it was something I did understood later

naveennamani profile image

If you want to download offline documentation you can find instructions in my GitHub repo

GitHub logo naveennamani / offline-docs

A collection of scripts to build offline documentation for your favourite frameworks/libraries. Simply search, copy/paste the commands and enjoy.