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Creating A Writing Backup: A Simple Step-by-Step Guide For Beginners

When you think of keeping a document safe, most writers immediately think of a desk drawer or a locked filing cabinet. But what about digital safekeeping? How can you protect your written drafts from being lost? Keeping track of your writing is a must if you want to produce high-quality content. Keeping a backup of your work is also essential. This helps you get through the rough spots when you don’t feel like writing and prevents you from rewriting the same piece repeatedly. Creating an effective backup system doesn’t have to be complicated, either. All it takes is some planning, preparation, and motivation. Let’s explore how to create an effective writing backup system that works for you in this article.

What is a Writing Backup?

A writing backup is a copy of your written work that you keep as a record. It’s important to have a backup system in place just in case your work is lost, or you suffer a catastrophic computer failure. Just like with any other task you perform, it’s better to have too many backups than not enough. Setting up a backup system for your writing is a great idea. If you do lose some work or your computer crashes, you’ll be glad you have a backup. A written backup system is essential for all writers, whether you are a professional or a hobbyist.

Why You Need a Writing Backup

Losing or accidentally destroying your content is a real fear for writers. You might have written something amazing, only to toss it in the garbage or a recycling bin accidentally. The thought of this happening to a work of your own creation can be terrifying. A backup system prevents this from happening. If your computer crashes or you have a health problem that takes you to the hospital, you can still access your work using your backup system. There are also other scenarios in which a backup system can really come in handy. You might find yourself in a situation where you don’t feel like writing. This is a common problem for many writers. If you find yourself in this situation often, it might be a sign that you need to find another hobby or passion to help you find the inspiration to write again. Keeping a backup of your work is a great way to find out why you don’t like writing so you can change it.

How to Create a Writing Backup

When setting up a backup system, you must consider the type of storage you’ll use. Your choice of storage will affect your backup system significantly. However, there are a few considerations you should keep in mind when selecting a storage system. First, you’ll want your storage to be reliable. So you can’t go with a questionable storage service. You’ll also need to have a system in place that allows you to access your content easily. This means that you’ll want to go with a computer-based system.


If you’re a writer who is concerned about losing your work or suffering a computer failure, you need to set up a backup system. This will prevent you from losing your work and help you access your content in case of an emergency. With a writing backup system, you can easily save copies of your work in case something happens to your computer or if you just don’t feel like writing.

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