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Cover image for Time Traveler: A Pinata-Integrated Time Capsule for Future Explorers

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Time Traveler: A Pinata-Integrated Time Capsule for Future Explorers

This is a submission for the The Pinata Challenge

What I Built

I created Time Traveler 🚀, a web application that allows users to create digital time capsules.

Users can upload various types of files—images, audio, videos—into these capsules, which will remain locked until a specified future date.

This project integrates Pinata’s Files API to facilitate file uploads and storage on the IPFS network.

Key Features

  • Multi-file Upload 📁: Users can upload multiple file types into a single time capsule.
  • Custom Unlock Dates ⏳: Each capsule has a designated unlock date for future access.
  • Intuitive Dashboard 🖥️: A user-friendly interface to view, manage, and create time capsules.
  • Responsive Design: Works seamlessly on both mobile and desktop devices.
  • User Authentication: Secure login system to ensure privacy and control over user capsules.

Technology Used

  • Next.js ⚛️:: The entire application is built with Next.js, providing a full-stack solution for server-side rendering and API routes.
  • Pinata: Utilized Pinata’s Files API for decentralized file storage on IPFS.
  • MongoDB: Used for storing user data and metadata related to time capsules.
  • Tailwind CSS: For styling the application, ensuring a modern and responsive design.
  • shadcn: Leveraged for UI components, enhancing the overall user experience.


Live demo coming soon!

Landing page:
Landing page

New capsule creation form:
New capsule

Capsules list:


File preview:
file preview

My Code

Check out the source code for the project on GitHub: Time Traveler Repository 💻

More Details

Integration with Pinata 🔗:

  • File Uploads 📤: I utilized the Pinata API to allow users to upload files directly to IPFS.
  • Metadata Storage: The metadata for each time capsule is stored in a MongoDB database, with a reference to the files stored in Pinata.
  • Unlock Mechanism: The application checks the current date against the unlock date specified by the user, allowing access to files only when the time capsule is unlocked.

Thanks for reading! 🌟 Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below!

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