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Philip Perry
Philip Perry

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Using the repository pattern in Laravel for caching

I started using the repository pattern a little while ago to provide some abstraction and so that I could have my eloquent queries in a central place. But one really nice thing about doing this that only occurred to me recently is that it allows you to centralize things like caching one’s queries. Caching one’s queries saves having to make expensive database calls. This is how my repository class looks like for getting a quiz setting:


namespace App\Repositories;

use \App\Models\QuizSettings;
use \Cache;

class QuizSettingRepository implements QuizSettingRepositoryInterface
    public function get($quizid, $keyname)
        $value = false;

        $cacheKey = 'quizsettings' . $quizid . "_" . $keyname;

        if (Cache::has($cacheKey)) {
            $value = Cache::get($cacheKey);

        } else {
            $quizsettings = QuizSettings::where('quizid', '=', $quizid)->get()->keyBy('keyname');

                $value = $quizsettings[$keyname]->value;

            Cache::put($cacheKey, $value, now()->addSeconds(10));

        return $value;
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One could take this a step further and implement caching for all repositories in a global place using the decorator pattern as described here:

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