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Learning Vue.js: A React Developer's Journey Through a New Codebase

- Mason Mei

As a web developer experienced with React, joining the Amplify team introduced me to the world of Vue.js. Amplify is an open-source app empowering users to fight climate change by selecting climate campaigns and representatives to support. In this post, I'll discuss my experience learning Vue.js and the challenges I faced transitioning from React.

Vue.js Environment and Ecosystem

Setting up the development environment for Vue.js involves installing Node.js, npm, and using Vue CLI to create and manage projects. I familiarized myself with core concepts like components, directives, and lifecycle hooks. To effectively work with Amplify's codebase, I learned about Vue.js counterparts for state management and routing: Vuex and Vue Router.

Navigating a New Codebase: From React to Vue

Transitioning from React to Vue.js required adapting to new syntax, structure, and conventions. Key differences include template-based syntax, Vue.js directives, and single-file components. Despite these differences, similarities like component-based architecture and props eased the transition.
Working on Amplify's codebase, I faced challenges like understanding existing structure, implementing features, and fixing issues. Overcoming these hurdles taught me valuable lessons and best practices for working with Vue.js.

Vue Router and Navigation

Vue Router is essential for managing in-app navigation. By configuring routes and adding navigation links, developers create user-friendly interfaces. Features like route parameters and nested routes can help manage complex routing scenarios. Understanding these concepts helps developers work more effectively with Vue.js codebases.

Vuex for State Management

Efficient state management is crucial for web applications, and Vuex is the go-to solution for Vue.js. Vuex revolves around four main concepts: state, actions, mutations, and getters. By learning how Vuex operates, I gained insights into state management in Vue.js applications, allowing me to work more effectively with Amplify's codebase.


My journey into Vue.js was filled with learning experiences, challenges, and valuable insights. As a React developer, adapting to Vue.js while working on Amplify's codebase was initially challenging. However, I discovered that Vue.js offers a powerful, flexible, and approachable framework for building web applications.

I encourage you to explore Vue.js and take advantage of its benefits. Whether you're a beginner or experienced developer, Vue.js has much to offer. Share your experiences, contribute to the Vue.js community, and access resources like official documentation, courses, tutorials, and discussions. Happy coding!

Top comments (1)

hendrikras profile image
Hendrik Ras

The way Vue combines putting logic in templates, like Angular (used to?) do and it still being able to be a fully featured component based framework always felt like a nice mix to me.

Don't get me wrong, got no hate for JSX. but both ways have its advantages and disadvantages.