DEV Community

priyanka prasad
priyanka prasad

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Launch Your APPS for Free!!!

Are you a developer with a passion for creating innovative solutions for India's booming e-commerce industry? If so, we invite you to join at Shiprocket Appstore Developer Program! Our platform offers a unique opportunity for developers to showcase their apps to a targeted audience, collaborate with industry experts and fellow developers, and receive valuable feedback to refine and enhance their creations.

Why Join Us?

Access to a Thriving Marketplace: Shiprocket Appstore provides developers with access to a thriving marketplace specifically tailored for India's Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) ecosystem. With a vast network of merchants.

Showcase Your Apps: As a member of our developer program, you'll have the opportunity to showcase your apps to Indian merchants actively seeking solutions to enhance their e-commerce operations. This exposure can significantly boost the visibility and adoption of your creations.

Receive Valuable Feedback: We understand the importance of feedback in the development process. By joining our program, you'll receive constructive feedback from merchants and experts, helping you refine and enhance your apps for optimal performance and user experience.

Monetization Opportunity: We offer developers the opportunity to monetize their apps through a revenue-sharing model. As your app gains traction and generates revenue, you'll benefit from our partnership.

Special Offer : To kickstart your journey with us, we're offering a special promotion of no commission fee for the first three months! Take advantage of this opportunity to launch your apps with minimal financial barriers.

Ready to Get Started?

Join us today and become a part of the movement to revolutionize India's e-commerce landscape. Together, we can shape the future of D2C in India and empower merchants with innovative solutions tailored to their needs.

Click here to sign up for Shiprocket Appstore Developer Program.

For more information, check out our FAQs.

*About Shiprocket *

Shiprocket is a leading logistics and fulfillment platform empowering businesses to grow their e-commerce operations efficiently. With a comprehensive suite of services and a focus on innovation, Shiprocket is committed to driving the success of Indian merchants in the digital era.

Join us and be a part of the journey at

Let's revolutionize D2C together!

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