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Precise Simulation
Precise Simulation

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FEniCS Solver GUI and MATLAB Integration with FEATool Multiphysics

FEATool Multiphysics has now been updated to version 1.12.1 with significant improvements to the multi-solver simulation interfaces. In addition to supporting the built-in MATLAB multiphysics solver, and the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) solvers OpenFOAM and SU2, FEATool now also includes full support for the popular open source FEA solver FEniCS.

FEATool-FEniCS GUI Interface

The unique multi-simulation feature of FEATool Multiphysics allows one to easily define complex multiphysics models, and use up to four different solvers with the "one-click interface". This saves a significant amount of work and time by only having to set up models once in a easy to use GUI, while at the same time having direct access to different solvers without having to learn their configuration syntax and formats.

  • Learn one easy to use interface, to use four solvers interchangeably
  • Validate simulations by comparing results from different solvers
  • Use FEATool as a preprocessor and postprocessor for FEniCS, OpenFOAM and SU2
  • Learning aid for FEniCS, OpenFOAM, and SU2 by using FEATool to export model files
  • Supports reproducible MATLAB and Python simulation scripts

FEATool-FEniCS GUI and Solver Interface

The FEniCS GUI and solver interface has been significantly improved and updated to support the latest FEniCS version 2019.1.0 and Python 3. The FEATool-FEniCS solver interface now supports most multiphysics models including

  • Full support for 1D, 2D, and 3D problems with automatic grid conversion to the FEniCS Dolfin mesh format
  • Automatic conversion of linear and non-linear, stationary and now also time dependent problems
  • Complex non-linear equation and boundary coefficients are also supported, and can involve expressions of dependent variables, derivatives, time, space, mathematical expressions, logical switch expressions
  • Linear as well as higher order finite element shape function types (while preserving full simulation accuracy)
  • Full FEniCS GUI support as well as CLI scripting using the fenics MATLAB function

See the Python FEM and FEATool-FEniCS solver interface post for more information.

Additional New Features

  • Improved postprocessing and visualization
    • Faster and more efficient 3D graphics
    • GUI support for more colors and colormaps, titles, and plot configurations
  • GUI functionality to view partial grids
  • Improved and more accurate Robin boundary condition treatment
  • Faster expression evaluation via nodal interpolation
  • New electrostatics micro strip capacitance tutorial

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