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Praveen Kumar S
Praveen Kumar S

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From Idea to Launch: My 30-Day MVP Journey

In the fast-paced world of tech startups, turning an idea into a working product is a wild ride, filled with hurdles and uncertainties. As the CTO of Storya, I faced the challenge of transforming a simple no-code prototype into a solid MVP in just 30 days. This journey wasn’t just about coding; it was about strategic planning, teamwork, and a relentless drive for excellence. Let me take you through this exhilarating journey and share the insights that made it all possible.

The Challenge: 30 Days to a Robust MVP

When I joined Storya as the CTO, I was immediately hit with a big challenge. The existing MVP, built using Adalo, was more of a prototype than a product. We needed something more robust and scalable, and we needed it quickly. With a tight budget and a ticking clock, the mission was clear: build a functional MVP in just 30 days.

Strategic Planning: Laying the Foundation

Time was short, but jumping in without a plan would have been a disaster. My team and I started by carefully mapping out user journeys. Storya is all about storytelling, so we focused on both creators and readers. This dual approach was key to ensuring our MVP met the needs of our core users. During planning, two tools stood out: Hasura GraphQL and Clean Code Architecture for Flutter. These, combined with our Flutter developers’ expertise, set a strong foundation for our MVP.

Execution: The Power of Collaboration and Expertise

Our success hinged on the team. When you’re racing against time, every second counts. We couldn't afford long onboarding processes or steep learning curves. Thankfully, I had a team of seasoned pros. Their expertise, along with our strategic tool choices, allowed us to work efficiently. We utilized open-source tools and platforms like AWS ECS, ensuring our setup was both smooth and scalable.

Reflections and Advice

Looking back, those 30 days were intense, but the lessons were invaluable. If you’re aiming to achieve something similar, remember: the team’s mindset is crucial. At Storya, our shared passion for storytelling kept us going and boosted our productivity. When time is tight, bring in professionals who know their stuff. And don’t underestimate the power of choosing the right tools. Spend time researching and experimenting—it pays off in the end.

In Conclusion

Building an MVP in 30 days is no easy feat. It requires determination, strategic planning, and a clear vision. But my journey at Storya shows that with the right resources and mindset, it’s not only achievable but a testament to what focused dedication can accomplish.

Thanks for joining me on this journey. If you’re on a similar path, stay focused, plan well, and never underestimate the power of a great team and the right tools. Happy building!

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