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Prathamesh Mali
Prathamesh Mali

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Trying out Arch linux and i3 window manager.

Entering into the realm of Arch linux.
Previously I was using PopOS a debian based distribution mainly Ubuntu. It felt pretty bloated with the given gnome desktop environment. I was searching for something else customizable, practical and minimal.
When I went on reddit find about r/unixporn where I found about lots of custom setups based on arch, nix, gentoo and manjaro. Its beautiful, how you can change each and everything on your OS.
I got inspired and installed Manjaro linux on as a daily driver specfically Manjaro i3 editon. The best and challengin part is that it does not have a normal desktop environment it has i3 a window manager which gives a powerful keyboard navigation and not the use of mouse. Its pretty hard to get used to but makes the workflow much faster and efficient. So I'm switching to it and will keep learning. And also from last month I switched from Vscode to Vim(Neovim) its been amazing learning experience I was amazed by the speed of it and with tmux its just great. The whole concept of ditching the mouse and using only keyboard for navigation is seems fishy at first but when you get used to it there is no going back.

My current setup, fully customized:
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Neovim setup:
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Top comments (15)

xcyraxx profile image
Adil Jafar

Try a different terminal maybe..? Like kitty or urxvt because they look wayyy better and are easy to customize as well

pratham82 profile image
Prathamesh Mali

Thanks for suggestion I'll try it. Do you know any good tutorials about customizing i3 statusline

xcyraxx profile image
Adil Jafar

i3 status and i3bar are good but have you checked out polybar?

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pratham82 profile image
Prathamesh Mali

Yes I know but how can I customize them
any good reference?

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xcyraxx profile image
Adil Jafar
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pratham82 profile image
Prathamesh Mali

Thanks ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ‘

xcyraxx profile image
Adil Jafar

you could find a good one from r/unixporn and customize it

haxnet profile image

You're using Manjaro, that's not real Arch.
Title is misleading. Try to install Vanilla Arch first and you will find Manjaro is just ehh.

I love using i3wm, urxvt works great with it.

pratham82 profile image
Prathamesh Mali

I've switched to arch this year ๐Ÿ˜. And the ditro that I'm using in the post is manjaro i3 community version it's barebones distro with just i3 wm no DE. So for anyone coming from ubuntu or popOs it's a big deal for me.

haxnet profile image
HaxNet • Edited

Yes but Manjaro does not equal Arch.

A close derivative Arch would be Archlabs. Try this one out. I use Archlabs now because it's the closest one to Vanilla Arch that I know of.

I went from Ubuntu to Arch. It really isn't hard to install. I don't use any DE. I only use i3. It's just awesome

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davedorm profile image
LinuxGeezer • Edited

I'm confused, is it i3 or Awesome? [/smartass]

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haxnet profile image

i3. I don't like Awesome.

cmuralisree profile image
Chittoji Murali Sree Krishna • Edited

I use vanilla arch with i3 , it pretty fast even on hdd it boots less than 15sec, I use alacrity as terminal with a fish shell, as a Linux distro, this is by far the best, i tried almost all major distros, but nothing is as blazing fast as arch.

my config files for i3:

for arch installation steps:

Load the iso into pendrive or cd

shivshreyas profile image
Shiv Shreyas

Hey! Even I'm trying out window managers and wanted to try out i3 can you please guide me a bit if you don't mind T_T?

erfizt profile image

Thank you very much