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Discussion on: Building lightning-fast APIs with FeatherJS

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Prashant Nirgun

Hi this is Prashant, I am new to Feathers and Objection

I am very sorry its not an Issue just need help from community. I installed "@feathersjs/feathers": "^4.5.11". Now my question is If I want to write routes localhost:3000/contact/india or any custom endpoint for GET, POST methods where do I write can you guide me. Basically wants a controller but that does not mean I want to use create() and other methods of Objection should fire automatically don't want to override the methods provided by Objection.js

I know we can query it by localhost:3000/contact?country="India" but need need build custom routes. Controller kind of where I will write custom endpont related to that service rest create, update and other methods should be handle automatically If required then will overwrite create().

Thanks in advance