DEV Community

Discussion on: Just launched my personal website and I need your honest feedback

prahladyeri profile image
Prahlad Yeri
  1. Your design skills are really good, the card layout of post titles is smart thinking.
  2. I observed that your site is mostly composed of blog posts, you don't really need wordpress. You can use a static site generator like Jekyll or Pelican and bring down your hosting costs dramatically. In fact github-pages allows you free hosting of static sites.
  3. Remove that "copyright. all rights reserved", people hate gate-keeping of knowledge in the digital age. Use the creative commons CC-By license instead which allows people to share your content but only by attributing you to it. The more they share, the more people will know about you!
  4. Do you have a product to sell or a portfolio to show to your users? Why do you think people should subscribe? If you intend to make serious money through your website (not just adsense pocket change), you should work towards these goals.
adyngom profile image
Ady Ngom

Hello Prahlad thank you so much for such a thoughtful response. I really appreciate it. Let me respond to your list real quick:

  1. I wish I could claim that was my design but that’s not the case. It’s a theme that I purchased after literally looking at hundreds of them. I personally picked it because of the card design
  2. Yes I have tried the Jekyll toute before, Ghost and I even looked at the React based one recently. The plugin ecosystem is what brings me back to WordPress but that might change at some point. Cost is manageable for now since it’s on a Digital Ocean box
  3. Yeah not a big fan of it. The intent is to share not to close doors. An artifact of the theme. I’ll adjust it
  4. Yes I have two products. A book and a series of online courses. Subscribers will get sweet deals of that type of content is of interest to them. More on that soon.

Really thanks again for taking the time
