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Deploy Spring Boot Crud Application with MySQL Database to Minikube

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K8S Scripts :

Following are the steps to deploy Spring Boot Crud Application with MySQL Database in K8S Minikube cluster :

Create a Spring Boot Crud project with MySQL DB and test it locally.

Create the DB Deployment YML file. Please refer -

Persistent Volume Claim is created for providing storage space for the database. Deployment and Service concepts we have already discussed in the previous tutorial.

Start the Minikube - minikube start

Check Minikube status - minikube status

Allow Kubernetes to read our local Docker repository - eval $(minikube docker-env)

Deploy the MySQL Deployment created above in Minikube with the command - kubectl apply -f db-deployment.yaml

Get the MySQL running POD with the command - kubectl get pods

Connect to the Node inside the cluster using the following command - kubectl exec -it bash

Then use the following command to connect to MySQL Server : mysql -h mysql -u root -p

Use the command to see all databases :
show databases;

It should have created a database mentioned in our db-deployment.yaml file(mysql in this example). Change the database with the following command :

use database_name;

Build the Docker image of the Spring Boot application :
docker build -t springbootcrudrest:1.0 .

Check if the image has been build or not with the command : docker images

Write the Deployment and Service for Spring Boot application -

Deploy the Spring Boot Deployment created in Minikube with the command - kubectl apply -f app-deployment.yaml

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