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Discussion on: Project Euler #4 - Largest Palindrome Product

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Prabhjot Singh Rana • Edited

Solution in Python:

x = 0   # assuming number is Xnnnnn  1st digit
y = 0   # assuming number is nYnnnn  2nd digit
z = 0   # assuming number is nnZnnn  3rd digit

num = 999  #highest 3 digit number

palidromefound = False

highestnum = num * num

while str(highestnum) != str(highestnum)[::-1]:

    z = int(highestnum / 1000)
    z = z%10

    y = int(highestnum / 10000)
    y = y%10

    x = int(highestnum / 100000)
    x = x%10

    if z != 0 and y != 0:
        z = z-1

    # first time find the highest palidrom

    highestnum = (x*100000 + y*10000 + z*1000 + z*100 + y*10 + x)

while palidromefound == False:

    if str(highestnum) == str(highestnum)[::-1]:
        while num > 99:

            if (highestnum % num) == 0 and (highestnum / num) < 999 and (highestnum / num) > 99:
                palidromefound = True
                print(f'Highest Palidrom: {highestnum} num1: {num} and num2: {int(highestnum / num)}')
            num = num -1


            num = 999

            # below are the palidromes.. the value of z is the 3rd digit, it comes from the above logic
            # when the first highest palidrom is found, but if it not a multiple of two three digit numbers
            # then the next highest palidrome is obtained:
            # 992299 - 1100 = 991199  >> when z != 0
            # 991199 - 1100 = 990099  >> when z != 0
            # 990099 - 110  = 989989  >> when z == 0
            # 989989 - 1100 = 988889  >> when z != 0 

            if z == 0:
                highestnum = highestnum -110
                z = 9
                highestnum = highestnum -1100
                z = z-1