DEV Community

jack tiger
jack tiger

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What is the best solution to host a simple JSON

There are several free options available for hosting a simple JSON file and fetching it. Some popular options include:

GitHub: You can create a repository on GitHub and store your JSON file there. You can then use the GitHub API to fetch the JSON data.

Firebase: Firebase offers a free plan that allows you to store and retrieve JSON data. You can use the Firebase Realtime Database to store your JSON data, and use the Firebase SDK to fetch the data from your app.

AWS S3: Amazon S3 is a cloud storage service that allows you to store and retrieve files. You can use the S3 service to store your JSON file and then use the S3 API to fetch the data.

Heroku: Heroku is a platform as a service (PaaS) that allows you to deploy web applications. You can use Heroku to deploy a simple web application that serves your Digital Marketing. is a free, open-source platform to store and fetch JSON files, no need for authentication and easy to use, you can create a bin and store and fetch data from it.

All of these options are free to use, but they may have limitations, such as the amount of storage or data transfer. You should check the specific usage limits and costs of each service before choosing the one that best fits your needs.

Top comments (1)

rickdelpo1 profile image
Rick Delpo

nice concise article
if u want to start with hosting on AWS read this piece
also look here at
for example code in plain javascript