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Discussion on: Why you need to give Firefox a chance

pottedmeat7 profile image
pottedmeat7 • Edited

I completely agree. Apple does a great job at innovation! Thier products are great!
However thier system isn't designed to stand without being locked under secrecy.
They have issues seeing thier true value without nickle and diming the user for every service. This also requires their source to be locked; otherwise we would remove the nickle and diming.
Also Bill Gates point was that Microsoft lost to Android not to Apple. My point is that if Microsoft won, it would be Apple vs Microsoft and eventually that would be worse for everyone.

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pottedmeat7 profile image

Android existed but Google made it what is is, certainly a significant amount of work went in to make it the globally used OS that it is today.

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xowap profile image
Rémy 🤖

Nobody created anything, it's just piecing stuff together and marketing it.

The point is, Android is crap, iOS is crap and mono/duopoly is really bad. Especially over your data.

We need libre alternatives and Firefox is an excellent option against the Blinkopoly

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pottedmeat7 profile image
pottedmeat7 • Edited

They both are widely used and loved so they are clearly not "crap".

As Bill Gates stated Microsoft made a mistake by allowing Android to gain as much traction as it did. In other words he wished Microsoft would have smashed Android and replaced it with a Microsoft product.
So whatever was "not created" defeated Microsofts dominance.

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zakius profile image

Apple destroyed smartphones before anyone even used this name, they forced the market to sell devices designed merely to display pictures instead of supporting actual work
and years later that course became even more obvious with devices you have no chance of handling with a single hand, glassy, slippery and abnormally big