DEV Community

Pontakorn Paesaeng
Pontakorn Paesaeng

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I made a 100 days of code blog


Before the challenge, I had little or no motivation to code after studying. So, I decided to take this challenge but not really strictn. I don't use 1 hour rule because it might prevent coding after getting tired by studying in university. There is a some kind of "pause period" because I needed to study for the final exam.

Most projects are about frontend web development. Some of them are projects that related to the web development or can apply what I have learned from the project to the web. My goal is to practice and apply knowledge to improve myself for taking a job.

The blog is currently built with Nuxt and Nuxt Content. It is a great stack for simple blog.I use WindiCSS for styling because it generate only CSS I used and it integrates well with Nuxt.

I hope I can finish 100 days of code with myself improved significantly.

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