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My First Career Fair: Navigating Opportunities

As a college student, I embarked on a journey in shaping my career path - my first career fair.

The Build-Up

In the weeks leading up to the career fair. I was given advice from our TTP. Dress professionally, bring several copies of your resume, and prepare your elevator pitch were some of the common pointers. I took each piece of advice seriously and, as it turned out, these tips were invaluable in setting the stage for a successful experience.


Preparation is key when it comes to career fairs. Researching the attending companies and tailoring my resume to highlight relevant skills were my top priorities. I also practiced my elevator pitch - a brief introduction of myself and my career goals - to ensure I could confidently present myself to recruiters.

The Big Day

Walking into the career fair venue was a bit overwhelming. Tables representing a myriad of companies lined the room, and throngs of students were busy networking. Armed with a neat stack of resumes and dressed in my professional best, I took a deep breath and stepped into the crowd. It was nerve-wracking at first, but with each interaction, my confidence grew.

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Networking and Building Relationships

Career fairs aren't just about handing out resumes; they are opportunities to build meaningful connections. I made an effort to engage in meaningful conversations with recruiters. I asked questions about the company culture, the roles they were hiring for, and how my skills might fit in. These conversations not only gave me insights into the companies but also allowed me to leave a lasting impression.

I bumped into my bodies at the fair: Muhammad, Ali Daniel, Qumber . We exchanged information about our career aspirations. These unplanned encounter added an extra layer of warmth and familiarity to the event, making it a more memorable experience.

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My first career fair was undoubtedly a transformative experience. I left with a deeper understanding of the professional world, a sense of empowerment in my job search. Thanks, John Kesaris for organizing it.

Top comments (1)

ydydydq profile image

come on!!!