DEV Community

Discussion on: Welcome Thread - v66

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Izz • Edited

Hello DEV community!
I'm 23 years-old. I graduated with a degree in Business Administration (General) and was pursuing a career in Finance. I've recently grew interest in programming and I've decided to switch my career. One problem is that I can't stop thinking I'm TOO OLD or that I won't be able to comprehend the knowledge a CS graduate has or someone who started coding when they were like 17 or something.
I'm a perfectionist and being just good at what I do won't be enough for me. I need to be excellent which is why I'm here; I'm hesitant to start learning and end up exerting my time and efforts on something that I may never be good enough at or maybe mediocre (my greatest nightmare). I need advice and friends or maybe learning buddies. Is it really too late?