DEV Community

Aleksey Podoba
Aleksey Podoba

Posted on

Showdev: DevToAPI - Forem/DEV API Client Library for .NET

Hello comunity πŸ‘‹

I built DevToAPI - a simple .NET library that implements the Forem/ API. At the moment, all endpoints are implemented.
I hope it will be useful ;)

Usage examples:

Create new article

var client = new DevToClient("api-key");
await client.Articles.CreateAsync(new CreateArticle()
    Title = "My post",
    BodyMarkdown = "...",
    Tags = new List<string>()
    Published = true
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var client = new DevToClient("api-key");
var pagination = await client.Articles.GetAllMyAsync();

while (pagination.CanMoveNext)
    var myArticles = pagination.Items;

    //do stuff

    await pagination.NextPageAsync();
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Specific page

var client = new DevToClient("api-key");
var pagination = await client.Articles.GetAllMyAsync(option =>
    option.Page = 5;
    option.PageSize = 10;
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Supported Platforms

.NET 4.5.2 or greater
.NET Standard 2.0 or greater

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