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Discussion on: Git branching for small teams

spo0q profile image
spO0q 🦄

various causes but, yes PSD, etc, without LFS, also years and years of commits + some libraries added "as is" without package manager.

we used a separate "single clean history" for CICD purposes

how? another repository with the builds?

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wesen profile image
Manuel Odendahl

Exactly. Do normal development on the main fork. Then when a build needs to be made, squash push to the other fork. I'm not sure exactly how we scripted cutting off the history to avoid "blowing" up the other repo, but there was a check in place.

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spo0q profile image
spO0q 🦄

It's a valid approach, but the only inconvenience is indeed the scripting part, as you have take all edge cases into account.

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wesen profile image
Manuel Odendahl

this happened after I was less involved with that one project inside the company. I would probably have tried to rewrite some of the history, but I'm not sure how badly it would have impacted say, the JIRA <> github referencing, exicting pull requests, which is information I would have liked to keep. Maybe noone ever uses that information either, who knows.

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spo0q profile image
spO0q 🦄

hum, dunno how it could impact hosting providers. I would say you cannot erase everything unless you remove the entire repo, but I'm not sure. In doubt, I recommend asking questions to everyone involved in the process, including "non-technical" people, to determine what should be kept.