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Discussion on: Static Site Generators are not for me! My Experience with Jekyll, Hugo and NetlifyCMS

pmacmaps profile image
Patrick McKinney

I've used Jekyll for my portfolio site and a blogging site with my wife. I used a Bootstrap theme. I personally love having many small modular components I can load onto pages. And I've found using loops to load posts isn't too difficult. I've installed Jekyll on Ubuntu and ChromeOS Linux.

My frustration is with the blog authoring. My wife is not a developer. We write the articles in Google Drive. Then we use an online Markdown Editor and add some template code for the Front Matter, edit that, and paste in our article text. We then download the markdown file to our project directory on our laptop. It is a lot of work compared to editing a blog and publishing all from within Wordpress's nice interface.

If I could fine a nice WYSIWG editor that could push the file to my Git repo, then I think publishing articles would be much simpler. Anyone have experience with this?

Between GitHub pages and my sweat labor, all we are paying for is the domain name. Even get SSL through free CloudFlare account (but maybe that will go away with the IPO)?

justaashir profile image
Aashir Khan

Yep Nowadays There are so many Open Source CMSs available for Jekyll

bayuangora profile image
Bayu Angora

Forestry is also good option.

justaashir profile image
Aashir Khan

Yep Forestry is here

kyletaylored profile image
Kyle Taylor

Have you looked into It's a great option for updating Markdown files directly in GitHub especially if you aren't using something like NetlifyCMS.

justaashir profile image
Aashir Khan

Thanks 😊, I have to try