What’s a Discord Self-Bot?
A Discord self-bot is basically a bot that runs using your personal Discord account instead of a separate bot account.
Why Use a Self-Bot?
With a self-bot, you can keep an eye on all the servers and channels your account is part of. Just remember, while self-bots can do some cool automation stuff, they come with big risks and are against Discord's rules.
Let’s Build a Simple Discord Self-Bot!
- Monitor Specific Servers and Channels: We’ll track the servers and channels that your account has joined.
- Catch Messages: The bot will listen for messages in these channels and look for Solana token contract addresses.
- Send to Telegram: When it finds a token address, it will send that info to a Telegram trading bot so you can buy the token ASAP. ## Analysis:
- Monitoring: We’ll use the Discord self-bot for monitoring.
- Messaging: To send messages to the Telegram bot, we’ll use the Telegram API.
- Implementation: We’ll write this using JavaScript or TypeScript with Node.js.
Node.js 18+
npm install discord.js-selfbot-v13@latest telegram
Make self-bot
import { Client } from "discord.js-selfbot-v13";
// Initialize Discord client
const discordClient = new Client();
// Discord event handlers
discordClient.on("ready", () => {
console.log(`Logged in as ${discordClient.user?.tag}`);
await discordClient.login(DISCORD_USER_TOKEN);
Run code (Discord Console - [Ctrl + Shift + I])
allow pasting
req => {
if (!req.c) return;
for (const m of Object.keys(req.c)
.map(x => req.c[x].exports)
.filter(x => x)) {
if (m.default && m.default.getToken !== undefined) {
return copy(m.default.getToken());
if (m.getToken !== undefined) {
return copy(m.getToken());
console.log('%cWorked!', 'font-size: 50px');
console.log(`%cYou now have your token in the clipboard!`, 'font-size: 16px');
Sending message to telegram bot using Telegram API
import { TelegramClient } from "telegram";
const TELEGRAM_API_ID = parseInt(process.env.TELEGRAM_API_ID || "0");
const TELEGRAM_API_HASH = process.env.TELEGRAM_API_HASH || "";
// Initialize Telegram client
const telegramClient = new TelegramClient(
new StringSession(""),
{ connectionRetries: 5 }
console.log("Starting Telegram client...");
await telegramClient.start({
phoneNumber: async () =>
await promptUser("Please enter your phone number: "),
password: async () => await promptUser("Please enter your password: "),
phoneCode: async () =>
await promptUser("Please enter the code you received: "),
onError: (err: any) => console.log(err),
// logger.info("📲 Telegram client started successfully");
How to get Telegram API key?
- Go to https://my.telegram.org/auth
- Log in with your phone number
- Go to "API development tools"
- Create a new application
- You'll receive:
- api_id (numbers)
- api_hash (string)
import { Client } from "discord.js-selfbot-v13";
import { TelegramClient } from "telegram";
import { StringSession } from "telegram/sessions";
import * as readline from "readline";
import dotenv from "dotenv";
import fs from "fs";
import {
} from "./utils/utils";
// import logger from "./utils/logger";
// Create readline interface
const rl = readline.createInterface({
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout,
// Prompt function
function promptUser(question: string): Promise<string> {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
rl.question(question, (answer) => {
// Load environment variables
// Load config
function loadConfig() {
return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("config.json", "utf8"));
const config = loadConfig();
// Access environment variables
const TELEGRAM_API_ID = parseInt(process.env.TELEGRAM_API_ID || "0");
const TELEGRAM_API_HASH = process.env.TELEGRAM_API_HASH || "";
// Get settings from config
const BOT_USERNAME = config.telegram.bot_username;
const MONITORED_SERVERS = config.discord.server_channels;
// Initialize Discord client
const discordClient = new Client();
// Initialize Telegram client
const telegramClient = new TelegramClient(
new StringSession(""),
{ connectionRetries: 5 }
// Discord event handlers
discordClient.on("ready", () => {
// logger.info(`Logged in as ${discordClient.user?.tag}`);
console.log(`Logged in as ${discordClient.user?.tag}`);
discordClient.on("messageCreate", async (message: any) => {
try {
const serverId = message.guild?.id.toString();
const channelId = message.channel.id.toString();
for (const serverConfig of MONITORED_SERVERS) {
if (
serverId in serverConfig &&
) {
// logger.info(`Detected message in ${serverConfig[serverId]}`);
const solanaAddresses = await detectSolanaTokenAddress(message.content);
// logger.info(`Detected Solana addresses: ${solanaAddresses}`);
if (solanaAddresses.length > 0) {
const addressMap = loadTrackedAddresses();
// Process addresses sequentially
for (const address of solanaAddresses) {
// Check if address exists in Map before sending
if (!addressMap.has(address)) {
try {
await telegramClient.sendMessage(BOT_USERNAME, {
message: address,
// logger.info(`Sent message for address: ${address}`);
// Add delay between messages
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
} catch (error) {
// logger.error(
// `Failed to send message for address ${address}: ${error}`
// );
} else {
// logger.info(`Skipping existing address: ${address}`);
} catch (error) {
// logger.error(`Error processing message: ${error}`);
// Don't exit process, just log the error and continue
async function startTelegramClient() {
try {
console.log("Starting Telegram client...");
await telegramClient.start({
phoneNumber: async () =>
await promptUser("Please enter your phone number: "),
password: async () => await promptUser("Please enter your password: "),
phoneCode: async () =>
await promptUser("Please enter the code you received: "),
onError: (err: any) => console.log(err),
// logger.info("📲 Telegram client started successfully");
} catch (err: any) {
console.error("Error starting Telegram client:", err);
async function startDiscordClient() {
try {
console.log("Starting Discord client... ");
await discordClient.login(DISCORD_USER_TOKEN);
// logger.info("🤖 Discord client started successfully");
} catch (err: any) {
console.error("Error starting Discord client:", err);
// Improve error handling in main function
async function main() {
console.log("-------------------------> Starting bot...", Date.now());
try {
await startTelegramClient();
await startDiscordClient(); // Make this await
// Add process error handlers
process.on("uncaughtException", (error) => {
// logger.error("Uncaught Exception:", error);
process.on("unhandledRejection", (error) => {
// logger.error("Unhandled Rejection:", error);
} catch (error) {
// logger.error("Error in main:", error);
Additional link: https://github.com/Any-bot/D2T_CA_bot_Node
Top comments (4)
Hello ! Don't hesitate to put colors on your
like this example for have to have a better understanding of your code 😎Sorry, I fixed it
Awesome 😎
Thanks your post.