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Plaban Kumar Mondal
Plaban Kumar Mondal

Posted on

Photo Gallery made with Appwrite

Overview of My Submission

Photoz is a simple photo gallery web app where user can share their recent captures.
I was thinking to build something that will teach me all the basic features of appwrite. In this app user can create account, login, delete account, share their images, delete images. All basic CRUD application stuff.

Front-end: React, React Router, Material UI
Back-end: Appwrite

Submission Category:

Web2 Wizards

Link to Code

GitHub logo PlabanKr / photoz

React photo gallery app build with appwrite


Photoz is an image gallery app.

Getting Started


  1. Follow this guide to install appwrite in your machine or in cloud.
  2. After the successful installation of appwrite open your appwrite console. (default url for local appwrite installation is http://localhost:80/ or https://localhost:443/) Create a project and add a web platform in it.
  3. For this project, go to Database and create a collection. You can name the collection whatever you like but collection id should be images or you can give the id of your liking but change it in the src/services/database.api.js. This collection should have a read access of role:all and write access of role:member.
  4. You need to create the following attributes in that collection.
Attribute ID Type Required
title string required
url string(url) required
user_id string required
tags string[]

And one index to query the data.

Index Key Type Attributes
user_id key user_id (ASC)

Appwrite Doc…

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