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PJ Mantoss
PJ Mantoss

Posted on

Returning part of a string data using map()

Hi good people! I'm trying to solve a JavaScript challenge, but my code is not working as expected
PROBLEM: Write a function called getMainArtists which takes in an array of songs
and returns an array of the primary artists on the recordings.
If there's only one artist, that artist should be returned;
if there are featured artists, they should be ignored
(so only the artist to the left of "featuring" is kept.)

//My Code Solution...

function getMainArtists(arr){
if ((val.artist).includes("featuring")){
return null;
} else {
return val.artist;


The data I'm using can be found here

PROBLEM STATEMENT: When I run getMainArtists(songs) it returns an array of artist names excluding names that contain 'featuring'. It's suppose to also return artist names that have 'featuring', but should only leave out all the words starting from 'featuring'. Any ideas how I can refactor my code to work? Thank you for your help

Top comments (6)

diek profile image

Here is one possible solution:

pjmantoss profile image
PJ Mantoss

Thank you Dieg! It worked like magic. Thanks a lot.

diek profile image

I think it is self explanatory but if you need to talk about the code just tell me :)

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pjmantoss profile image
PJ Mantoss

Yes Dieg! I need a little more explanation. I understand the code up to .split("featuring")[0], but what does .trim() do? Thank you

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diek profile image
I will take advantage of this question and recommend you the official documentation of MDN to search about Js implementations :)

The trim erases the blanks at the start and the end of the string, in this case, as we splitted it by "featuring", your [0] can have an space at the end and maybe make fail your test, if you had, this is the reason of the removal :)

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pjmantoss profile image
PJ Mantoss • Edited

OK. I understand now. Thank you Dieg. Also, thanks a lot for the link