DEV Community

Discussion on: Multiple Repositories in a Single Azure Pipeline

pieronegri profile image

"It is also good if you keep your YAML file in a separate repository from the application code and you want to trigger the pipeline every time an update is pushed to the application repository."
...I was actually looking at that! I still do not get how to checkout multiple resources and finally push to only one of them via GIT command line inside azure devops...may you help?
Thanks a lot for the good stuff

n3wt0n profile image
Davide 'CoderDave' Benvegnù

Hey, thanks.

If I understand correctly, you want to checkout from multiple repos and then push the whole thing to a single one?

Let's say you have 3 repo. Adding the 3 checkout instructions, one per repo, you will end up having the "3 parts" of code in:

so what you'd need to do is simply make sure you are in the /s folder, and then do the "git magic" from there.

or, even better, you can make sure you checkout the destination repo first, in let's say /s/destination folder

then, checkout the other 3 repos in the same folder and you are ready to do git add ., commit, and push