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J. Pichardo
J. Pichardo

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Optional (null-safe) in javascript

Yesterday I ran into this StackOverflow question and it got me thinking about null/undefined handling in javascript.

A short background

What is undefined? undefined is a primitive value that is given to variables that have only been declared, non-existent properties or function arguments

What is null? null is another primitive value that represents the absence of value.

So what happens when we do the following

let obj;


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We get the following error

TypeError: Cannot read property 'someProp' of undefined

And the same happens with null


So, how can we avoid that? Well, lucky for us in javascript we have short-circuit evaluation, meaning that in order to avoid our previous TypeError we could write the following.

let obj;

console.log(obj && obj.someProp); // Prints undefined

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But what if we want to go deeper, something like obj.prop1.prop2.prop3? We would end doing lots of checks, like:

console.log( obj && obj.prop1 && obj.prop1.prop2 && obj.prop1.prop2.prop3 );

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Seems obnoxious, doesn't it?

And what if we wanted to print a default value if there was an undefined or null in that chain? Then it would be an even larger expression:

const evaluation = obj && obj.prop1 && obj.prop1.prop2 && obj.prop1.prop2.prop3;

console.log( evaluation != null ? evaluation : "SomeDefaultValue" );

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How do other languages do it?

This issue is not exclusive of javascript, it is present in most programming languages, so let's see how to do null-checking in some of them.


In java we have the Optional API:

SomeClass object;

    .map(obj -> obj.prop1)
    .map(obj -> obj.prop2)
    .map(obj -> obj.prop3)

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In kotlin (another JVM language) there are the elvis (?:) and safe-call (?.) operators.

val object: SomeClass?

object?.prop1?.prop2?.prop3 ?: "SomeDefaultValue";

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Finally, in c# we also have the null-condition (?.) and null-coalescing (??) operators.

SomeClass object;

object?.prop1?.prop2?.prop3 ?? "SomeDefaultValue";

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JS Options

So after seeing all this, I was wondering, isn't there a way to avoid writing that much in javascript?, so I started experimenting with regex to write a function that'd allow me to access an object property safely.

function optionalAccess(obj, path, def) {
  const propNames = path.replace(/\]|\)/, "").split(/\.|\[|\(/);

  return propNames.reduce((acc, prop) => acc[prop] || def, obj);

const obj = {
  items: [{ hello: "Hello" }]

console.log(optionalAccess(obj, "items[0].hello", "def")); // Prints Hello
console.log(optionalAccess(obj, "items[0].he", "def")); // Prints def

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And after that, I found about lodash._get, which has the same signature:

_.get(object, path, [defaultValue])

But to be honest I'm not that much a fan of string paths so I started searching a way to avoid them, then I came with a solution using proxies:

// Here is where the magic happens
function optional(obj, evalFunc, def) {

  // Our proxy handler
  const handler = {
    // Intercept all property access
    get: function(target, prop, receiver) {
      const res = Reflect.get(...arguments);

      // If our response is an object then wrap it in a proxy else just return
      return typeof res === "object" ? proxify(res) : res != null ? res : def;

  const proxify = target => {
    return new Proxy(target, handler);

  // Call function with our proxified object
  return evalFunc(proxify(obj, handler));

const obj = {
  items: [{ hello: "Hello" }]

console.log(optional(obj, target => target.items[0].hello, "def")); // => Hello
console.log(optional(obj, target => target.items[0].hell, { a: 1 })); // => { a: 1 }

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The future

Currently, there is a TC39 proposal that will allow us to do the following:


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Looks pretty neat right? However, this proposal is still in stage 1, which means it will probably take a while before we can see this is js. Nonetheless, there is a babel plugin that allows us to use that syntax.


null has been and will be around for a while and I bet is one of the most hated concepts in programming, however, there are ways to procure null-safety. Here I've posted my two cents, let me know what you think or if you have any other alternatives.

p.s.: Here is a little pretty gist

Top comments (5)

ehsansarshar profile image
Ehsan sarshar

there is a babel plugin that can solve your problem
I think it is

pichardoj profile image
J. Pichardo

Yeah, I know about it, but the idea is to suggest a solution that doesn't require external plugins.

alexkubica profile image
Alex Kubica ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ

Thanks or the post!
As of December 2019 the proposal has reached the final stage:
I'm really excited ๐Ÿ˜

mohkamfer profile image
Muhammad Kamal Fergany

According to that link, it's in Stage 3 as of the writing of this comment.

nmyers322 profile image
Nathanial Myers

Finally on Stage 4...