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Phylis Jepchumba
Phylis Jepchumba

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Day 3: Python Functions.

Day 3 of 30DaysOfPython

♠️What is a Function in Python?
♠️How to define and call a function in Python
♠️Function Parameters Vs Arguments
♠️Type of arguments in Function
♠️Recursive and Lambda Function

Function is a block of organized, reusable code that is used to perform a single, related action.


def functionname( parameters ):
   return [expression]
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From the above syntax:

  • def keyword is used to declare and define a function. def is a short form for "define function".
  • functionname is used to uniquely identify the function.
  • Parameters (arguments) through which we pass values to a function.
  • : marks the end of function header.
  • "function_docstring" describes what the function does.
  • return statement returns the value from the function.


def myFun(): # define function name  
    print(" Welcome to my blog")  
myFun() # call to print the statement  
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Parameters Vs Arguments.

They are the variables that are used within the function and are declared in the function header.

  • Arguments are the variables that are passed to the function for execution.
  • They are the actual values that are passed to the function header.
  • The argument values are assigned to the parameters of the function and therefore the function can process these parameters for the final output.

Example to differentiate parameters and arguments.

def addNumbers(a, b):
    sum =a + b
    print("The sum is " ,sum)
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from the above example;

  • We have a function called addNumbers which contains two values inside the parenthesis a, and b. These two values are called parameters.
  • We have passed two values along with the function 2 and 9. These values are called arguments.
Type of arguments in Function.
  • Default arguments.

Default arguments are values provided while defining function and are assigned using the assignment operator =.

def addNumbers (a=2,b=5):
    result = a+b
    return result
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The above script defines a functionaddNumbers() with two default arguments a and b. The default value for argument a is set to 2 and argument b is set to 5.

  • Keyword arguments.

Keyword arguments are values that, when passed into a function, are identifiable by specific parameter names.
A keyword argument is preceded by a parameter and the assignment operator, = .
The order of keyword arguments doesn't matter.

  • Positional arguments.
    Positional arguments are values that are passed into a function based on the order in which the parameters were listed during the function definition.

  • Arbitrary positional arguments.

For arbitrary positional argument, an asterisk (*) is placed before a parameter in function definition which can hold non-keyword variable-length arguments.

A single asterisk signifies elements of a tuple.

def team(*members):
    for member in members:

team("Phylis", "Mary")
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  • Arbitrary keyword arguments. For arbitrary keyword arguments, a double asterisk (**) is placed before a parameter in a function which can hold keyword variable-length arguments. Double asterisks signify elements of a dictionary.


def fn(**a):
    for i in a.items():
        print (i)
fn(name="Korir",course="Computer science",Hobby="coding")
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('name', 'Korir')
('course', 'Computer science')
('Hobby', 'coding')
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Python Recursive Functions.

A recursive function is a function that calls itself and always has condition that stops calling itself.

Where do we use recursive functions in programming?

To divide a big problem that’s difficult to solve into smaller problems that are easier-to-solve.
In data structures and algorithms like trees, graphs, and binary searches.
Recursive Function Examples
1.Count Down to Zero

countdown()takes a positive number as an argument and prints the numbers from the specified argument down to zero:

def countdown(n):
    if n == 0:
        return  # Terminate recursion
        countdown(n - 1)  # Recursive call
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2.Calculating the sum of a sequence
Recursive functions makes a code shorter and readable.
Suppose we want to calculate the sum of sequence from 1 to n instead of using for loop with range() function we can use recursive function.

def sum(n):
    if n > 0:
        return n + sum(n - 1)
    return 0
result = sum(100)
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Python Lambda Expressions.

A lambda function is a small anonymous function that can take any number of arguments, but can only have one expression.

lambda arguments : expression
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def times(n):
    return lambda x: x * n
double = times(2)
result = double(2)
result = double(3)
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From the above example times() function returns a function which is a lambda expression.

Top comments (2)

patricktingen profile image
Patrick Tingen

Cool! I like series like this, thanks!

What would make your series more findable for others is when it would have a landing page that explains the purpose and provide links to all posts.

phylis profile image
Phylis Jepchumba

Okey thanks for your feedback....will add the links