DEV Community

Discussion on: Everyone should write an operating system once

phlash profile image
Phil Ashby

I'm definitely the sort of person that cannot use 'magic solutions', I need to know how stuff works, which is a curse in some ways as it can tarpit my progress on things, but I have coping mechanisms (like pomodoro) that can limit this effect, the upside is I'm a mine of useless technical trivia :D

nestedsoftware profile image
Nested Software

I think these days we have to limit ourselves to define an interface between our work and some external system - I mean that in a very general way, e.g. the system could be a piece of math or science, not necessarily a computer API. I generally try to understand the principles behind things to the extent that I can, but there is just too much stuff out there, so I believe it's simply necessary nowadays to make a decision about how important it is know a given tool or concept in more depth...