30+ years of tech, retired from an identity intelligence company, now part-time with an insurance broker.
Dev community mod - mostly light gardening & weeding out spam :)
It's pronounced Diane. I do data architecture, operations, and backend development. In my spare time I maintain Massive.js, a data mapper for Node.js and PostgreSQL.
I was really happy when it came out! I'd had to buy MacPass to get a good kdbx-compatible password manager on OSX (nothing against it as a product but I prefer open source), and the less said about dealing with the Mono version on Linux the better.
30+ years of tech, retired from an identity intelligence company, now part-time with an insurance broker.
Dev community mod - mostly light gardening & weeding out spam :)
Amusingly I use the mono version on Linux the most, then KeePassDroid on my phone. I even re-wrote Andrew Schofield's excellent HIBP plugin in so it would work on Linux/mono despite that not having TLS1.2+ support :)
Ooh, movement in the KeePass world - I might move across from KeePass2 myself :)
I was really happy when it came out! I'd had to buy MacPass to get a good kdbx-compatible password manager on OSX (nothing against it as a product but I prefer open source), and the less said about dealing with the Mono version on Linux the better.
Amusingly I use the mono version on Linux the most, then KeePassDroid on my phone. I even re-wrote Andrew Schofield's excellent HIBP plugin in so it would work on Linux/mono despite that not having TLS1.2+ support :)