DEV Community

Discussion on: Make one resolution this year. Never write your own Authentication

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Phil Ashby

Splendid argument for doing what's good for your own (or your organisations) goals, and paying trusted experts do the stuff you need to run a service online but isn't your unique value!

I will add more to your argument: many of the quoted 3rd parties also support multi-factor authentication (which now becomes a selling point for you), and by designing your own product to use an external auth provider, you are setting yourself up for much easier integration with your large customer's own auth systems when that day arrives, finally: do you really want to operate a customer support team that spends 80% of the time helping with password resets (I have the stats from a large platform my previous employer runs), when your customers already have a perfectly good login platform... :)

Oh - did I mention support for API keys, machine-to-machine authentication....

Depending on your product/service, you may also be happy to accept authentication from social media platforms (login with FB, or Twitter, or Github...) @see this very platform for samples!

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Jordan Finneran

Yes, that is a great shout on the social media platforms and API keys!
Thank you! :D