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Is this textable? How One Question Can Change Your Workday

It's a question that's as simple as it is transformative: "Is this textable?" In the increasingly digital and remote-working age we live in, this question takes on a greater significance. It's a question that asks us to critically evaluate our communication choices, encouraging us to opt for efficiency and precision.

You might wonder why this question carries such weight. After all, isn't it just about deciding between sending a message and scheduling a meeting? On the surface, yes. But at its heart, it pushes us to prioritize effective communication, time-saving practices, and clarity of thought.

When you pause to ask, "Is this textable?", you are implicitly making a judgment about the nature of the information to be shared. Is it so complex or sensitive that it requires a face-to-face interaction? Or is it straightforward and informational, perfectly suited to a text message or email?

There are compelling reasons to choose text-based communication when appropriate:

Save Time

Meetings are notorious time-eaters. Setting the context, wading through small talk, and not to mention technical issues (especially for virtual meetings), can consume far more time than the actual content discussion. If an issue can be succinctly communicated via text, the time saved can be significant.


Text-based communication offers the luxury of responding at one's own pace, without needing to sync schedules. This leads to less interruption and more flexibility in your workday.


Texts offer a clear record of communication that can be revisited, unlike spoken discussions. Having a trail of previous discussions can be invaluable for future reference, ensuring accountability, and maintaining a clear understanding of tasks and decisions.

But there's more to it than mere convenience and efficiency. The act of writing out thoughts and ideas promotes deeper thinking and better understanding. Here's why:

Thought Clarification

Face-to-face meetings often allow for spontaneous, half-baked ideas. But text-based communication obliges you to think through an idea entirely before putting it out there. This process solidifies ideas, exposes gaps in understanding, and ensures clarity in what you're communicating.

Precision in Thoughts

Writing needs precision. You have to ensure your point is comprehensible, leading to a more thoughtful choice of words and phrasing. The process of distilling your thoughts into words fosters careful consideration and precise articulation.

Critical Analysis

Texting invites the opportunity to critically review and analyze your thoughts before sharing. This introspective process might surface new insights, spot potential weaknesses in your ideas, or help build a stronger argument.

Enhanced Understanding

As you write about a topic, you are essentially teaching it. This process enhances your understanding of the subject matter. It allows you to see new connections, consider different perspectives, and may even lead to the development of new ideas.

So, next time you reach out to schedule a meeting, pause for a moment. Ask yourself, "Is this textable?" If it is, embrace the power of text-based communication. Not only will it lead to efficiency, but it may also encourage deeper understanding and clearer communication.

Remember though, balance is key. There are times when a meeting is indispensable - be it for handling complex topics, seeking immediate feedback, or fostering interpersonal connections. Choose wisely, and let the power of "Is this textable?" transform your communication strategies.

I invite you to take action. Experiment with this approach in your work life. Test the waters and see how much more effective and streamlined your communication can become. Encourage your colleagues and team members to ask the question, "Is this textable?" before defaulting to meetings. And, most importantly, be open to the insights and learning this simple shift can bring. Embrace the change. Experience the difference. The journey to better communication starts with a single, transformative question - "Is this textable?"

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