DEV Community

Discussion on: Challenge: find 'Kaprekar numbers'

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Peter Kim Frank • Edited

Figure it's only fair to throw my answer into the ring. Clearly very novice and verbose 😇. Added a number of comments for the other #beginners out there.

var kap = function(number){ 

    var whole = number.toString(); // convert number to string

    if(whole.length % 2 !== 0){ // if the length is odd, add a zero to the front
        whole = "0" + whole; // IE 123 becomes 0123

    var middle = whole.length/2; // find the index of the middle and end of the string
    var end = whole.length;

    var piece1 = whole.slice(0,middle); // break it into two pieces
    var piece2 = whole.slice(middle,end);

    piece1 = parseInt(piece1); // convert back to numbers
    piece2 = parseInt(piece2);

    var final = piece1 + piece2; // add them together

    return final; // return result

for(i = 1; i < 1000; i++){ // simple for loop from 1 to 1,000

    var squared = i*i;
    var kapval = kap(squared);

    if(i == kapval){ // sees if they match