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Discussion on: Dancing with OAuth: a step by step guide

peteerbruno profile image
Sticky Fingers • Edited

Great article!
I have a question: How does this "dance" differ when the user is logging to THNA via the third party site (having previously signed up via that same site)
Does THNA store the oAuth token?

anabella profile image

Thank you!

So, I'm not really an expert about this subject. I just wrote this based on my process of understanding how this flow works, and kept more complex things like this (or like the extra state string parameter) out of it for the sake of simplicity.

It is an interesting question, and from what I've been reading and seeing, after the first time the user logs into THNA using their Typeform account, THNA will create a profile for them and give them a cookie to know if they're authenticated in THNA. This cookie can there store an encrypted version of all the information THNA needs. So if THNA detects that cookie they know they don't need to make you authenticate again. In the case of my test oauth integration app with PassportJS, the decoded cookie looks like this . In some implementations these auth tokens have an expiration period, so if they try to use it, Typeform will ask THNA to use a refreshToken to create a new one. I haven't explored this further, but just know it exists.

But what if I logout of THNA? then I'll have to "Log in with Typeform" again. So, actually, before THNA created a user for me on their site, they checked if they already knew me. They did this by storing some information from the provider, like my Typeform account ID (if it I consented to show them my profile). And this time, they do know me! So when THNA does the dance again, they'll recognise me, and won't create a new account, but instead show me my THNA profile using the new token they got from Typeform (remember I lost the cookie when I logged out of THNA). And since the scopes and the client (application) ID are the same, Typeform won't prompt me for consent and just provide a new one. Now THNA will create a new cookie with all the information so I can remain logged in again.

I hope this clears it up a little bit for you. If you have doubts I strongly recommend The Net Ninja's tutorial on OAuth and PassportJS. It was a turning point in my understanding of all this.

Thank you again for reading!

peteerbruno profile image
Sticky Fingers • Edited

Great, thanks! I'll check that playlist
Please keep writing posts!