DEV Community

Discussion on: If you like it, you should have put some lint on it...

pertrai1 profile image
Rob Simpson

Hey, with that special config file, how would it be used with the pre-commit hook? Looks exactly like what I need. Just need to know how to implement. Thank you

tapaibalazs profile image
Tápai Balázs


The lint-staged package allows configuration using different file types in the root folder, see:

To set it up in your workspace, do the following:

  1. run npm install husky lint-staged --save-dev (this will install husky and lint-staged as dev dependencies)

  2. put the lint-staged.config.js file into the root folder, near your package.json file

  3. In your package.json add the following:
    "husky": { "hooks": { "pre-commit": "lint-staged" } }

I hope it helps! :)