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What If Animals Could Code...

Dennis Persson on August 07, 2022

Okay, here we go again! In the last article in this series you came up with amazingly 40 hilarious comments on the topic celebrities who code. I lo...
jordanjlatimer profile image

Cheetahs - Super fast developers that specialize in Swift and Go.

leonardlaarden profile image

I once tried to hire a horse. Sadly it said neigh 🐴

calinzbaenen profile image
Calin Baenen

Was it at least polite enough to add "Tack."?

leonardlaarden profile image

It was polite, it said tack men nej tack!

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calinzbaenen profile image
Calin Baenen

Ah, I didn't suggest this because I didn't know if this was valid.
Like in English, is this something one would actually say? Or is this a translation?

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leonardlaarden profile image

We do say that. It's a polite way of saying no.

perssondennis profile image
Dennis Persson

Thanks for reading! I will contintue posting articles in this series. Follow me or the #jokes tag to see more articles like this.

And even better, post a comment that makes someone smile or create a humorous article of your own with the #jokes tag 😃

mhekel profile image
mhekel • Edited

not an animal, but funny none the less: Image description

/oops #jokes

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Unicorns — those devs that are always on, never make mistakes, and endlessly succeed... wait a minute do unicorns even really exist?!

lexiebkm profile image
Alexander B.K.

Guido von Rossum said that the name of Python he picked was not related to any kind of reptiles (the images related to Python really annoys me; I hate it very much). Instead it referred to a figure in a circus called Monty Python. I would like to see the icon/logo of this programming language be replaced by that circus figure.
I like seeing the icon/logo of Go aka Golang Gopher; while ferris in Rust is not really impressive. What about Ant, a build tool for Java ? We can ask James Davidson why he picked the name of his creation.
Sometimes I see elephant is related to PHP.

heatherw profile image
Heather Williams

Pandas are super clumsy and leave panda shaped trails of destruction behind them.
While hamsters just power everything by running on their wheels.
What about dragons though? Your fire marshal may not approve of them frequently burning the office down by accident but I am sure their code would be lit.
Octopuses on the other hand are super smart but their suckers might stick to everything even if the extra limbs help them get twice as much done.

calinzbaenen profile image
Calin Baenen

As a cat furry I can confidently say the "cats" one is wrong.

ahmadaiman profile image

don't forget python

onlyphantom profile image
Samuel Chan

All animals get their office nicknames from the HR, who maintain an updated list of who’s who here:

lexiebkm profile image
Alexander B.K.

Spider, Monkey.... Netscape (now Mozilla) seems to be impressed by these animals that they named their Javascript engine using these animals names.

ayodejii profile image
Isaac Ayodeji Ikusika

cool jokes.
I got one: cats best operating system is linux

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

Code monkeys are good for doing data entry.

mynotifier profile image

I'm pretty sure bugs thrive in every programming language 😅😁

akkimann profile image
Akhileswar Mannuru (He/Him) • Edited

JFrog - DevOps