DEV Community

Discussion on: Why I Use Gatsby for My Website

perpetual_education profile image
perpetual . education

Its so pretty! There are no images! We expected it to be image heavy. Why do you think - after all of that static-ifying - that the performance is still 74/100? (oh - actually - there are images / but they are out of ratio and distorted. We're interested in all of the points in this article - but it's a hard sell for a site that could be built with just some PHP and HTML. We'll be reading it again! and thinking about it some more.

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will_devs profile image
Will Harris • Edited

Thanks for taking a look!

I've gotten good performance metrics on all of the testing that I've done, it's interesting that you're seeing a lower score.

Also worth mentioning that I'm not prescribing that anyone else make the same choice for their website. Merely laying out my thinking for making the choice that I did. :)

And THANK YOU for pointing out the squished images. That is something that seems to have happened today while I was trying to fix a mobile display issue, and should (hopefully) be fixed now.