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30 Tips for Software Engineering Careers, After 30 Years of Life

Periklis Gkolias on December 10, 2019

I turned 30, a few days ago. An interesting decade, where I did and learned a lot of things came to an end. I tend to keep track of such "life less...
perigk profile image
Periklis Gkolias • Edited

I have stopped gaming a few years now (at least on PC/consoles, my mobile can carry on the struggle fine for now), so I am mostly focusing on anatomic peripherals that make my life easier. My top ones are Microsoft sculpt keyboard and Wacom tablet instead of a mouse. I am usually using two screens > 20 each

My next one would be a curved screen.

MAC machines are very nice but every time I weight the cost I pass. :) Committed to Linux for 13 years now :)

Hope it helps

perigk profile image
Periklis Gkolias • Edited

I would be worried if you likee them at first contact.🙂 We have learned to use flat keyboards from a very young age and thus split and curved keyboards look difficult to deal with. If you have one around you give it some time. It has some learning curve but it's worth it in my opinion

jakoboffersen profile image
JakobOffersen • Edited

Thank you for the article, lots of gold nuggets in it. Can I ask you, why are you going back to school to so a MSc? Im doing my Bsc in software eng. atm and will continue on a MSc as you afterwards, but would still love to hear your reasoning


perigk profile image
Periklis Gkolias • Edited

Hello Jakob, thank you for your kind words.

Actually I had a gap of 6 years between my BSc and MSc and that was on purpose.

I wanted to first work in the industry to see what I like more. Otherwise I see MSc as a good revision any BSc concepts that I have not managed to internalize yet. I also wanted to find the money to fund it.

Another unintentional benefit was that the field has progressed so I had the chance to learn about concepts that I might have not worked with otherwise, at least hands-on. For example, IoT was very futuristic when I joined my BSc, but we now have core lessons around it in my MSc.

Hope it helps.

jakoboffersen profile image

Thank you for the answer, it is very helpful ✌️

rockykev profile image
Rocky Kev

Thanks for this - and especially #14 - ignore motivation.

My 20s, I kept chasing after things that inspired me in hopes I will get motivated to do it. I found in my 30s, all of my achievements I've gained was not because of motivation, but because just being present and just pushing through.

I find it difficult to explain this to young people, who often ask me how I stay motivated as a programmer. My answer: "I don't." I go through the suck and keep pushing through it. The end result of my code pushes me, but that's about it. And then they get annoyed by my non-answer.

perigk profile image
Periklis Gkolias

I can totally relate. It is indeed something you learn the hard way, if at all.

I can remember a quote from 7 habits of highly effective people that is totally related with your story (it is about love, not career but you will get the point :) )

eddisonhaydenle profile image

The advice given is awesome and holistic in perspective,and , the aspect of envy is very fundamental as I have discovered that there are people who are threatened by someone's abilities, talents, etc. so they treat that colleague with contempt,withholding technical assistance in relation to work assignments, projects, the person may even engage in gossiping dramas in an attempt to destroy their colleague reputation as they are fundamentally intimidated by someone's intelligence, but, their fears, intimidation, etc. are fueled by their inadequacies as they lack the necessary self love inclusive poor self esteem resulting in their debilitating unprofessional tactics, which, can only be fixed by those actors adjusting their mindset to a healthy robust through enhanced and upgraded emotional intelligence. The ability to manage one's' emotional intelligence is a key skill in any workspace environment.

perigk profile image
Periklis Gkolias

Exactly thath

oman profile image

Im also 30 years in and I want to say again on this post, that while I was unemployed last year, I sat down, learned React and Vue (from paid services no less, I've got 15+ years of JS under my belt already) and built 2-3 projects in each. Not one company wanted to hear that I knew React/Vue unless I had a minimum 8 years of working/production experience in them. Given the age of these lib's, that would mean I had to start working a real-world job in them on day one of their release. Im not at all saying dont keep learning. I am saying even if you do continually learn, even with 30 years of production experience under your belt in other languages, dont go nuts trying to cram things in that employers wont hire you for, or even worse, that recruiters wont even talk to you about because your MSSQL and MySQL line items on your resume mean you're a backend engineer and that you have no idea how to do frontend because even though React is on your resume, the position 'frontend engineer' isnt. When i started, there was no app/website unless you built both the back and front ends, ...and also did the devops! Tech moves so fast, it lends too much credence to buzz words that cost decent engineers jobs. And yes, find a hobby, Im super guilty of this myself! Good article sir.

perigk profile image
Periklis Gkolias

I am sorry to hear that. This looks like a crystal clear discrimination.

Looks like you fell into a case of an incompetent recruitment team. And I am saying because, as you already mentioned, 5-6 years before, there was no thing as a full-stack engineer, because we were all fullstack engineers. So saying you have no frontend experience is funny. Especially if you have (in disguise, but you have)

Please dont get discouraged, keep applying to serious companies that have a track record of respect and seriousness. is my friend in those cases

Merry Christmas :)

oman profile image

It is very laughable indeed and yes, I had met many incompetent recruitment teams during that period of my job search. When I did get in the door, theyd always ask me to prove my skill by writing a todo app in Vue/React, something I have/had on my git already, but they won't accept that either, it had to be written again.

There, in general, seems a massive distrust between companies and programmers that is rarely spoken about. Some coders dont know what theyre doing, but the employers punish those of us who do because of it, or prior experiences with them. Right now, Im counting blessings, working for a great company, who appreciates its devs and Im very happy to have found them.

Happy holidays to all:)

Thread Thread
perigk profile image
Periklis Gkolias

I would love to see an article about

There, in general, seems a massive distrust between companies and programmers that is rarely spoken about. Some coders dont know what theyre doing, but the employers punish those of us who do because of it, or prior experiences with them.

It is indeed something that is not mentioned often

vinceramces profile image
Vince Ramces Oliveros

When communicating to someone whose not the same vocabulary as you have, be sure to explain it to a 5 year old.(ELI5)

perigk profile image
Periklis Gkolias

That's so true. I think it goes to the soft skills category. When you communicate with business people for example, they have no idea what streaming is or what a DDOS causes.

rickybell profile image

Hi, your article is inspiring, you listed many points that sometimes we forget and or left for another moment, but it’s not be denied all that time. Be sure, I will leave your article in short of hand and sometimes review it’s content to sharp my axe.

steelwolf180 profile image
Max Ong Zong Bao

Nice article I really like the part in investing yourself in software, hardware & education.

perigk profile image
Periklis Gkolias

Thanks Max. Particularly for the education part it was Henry Ford that first said so. Maybe I should have included the reference to my article.

steelwolf180 profile image
Max Ong Zong Bao

It's alright I add it part of how I developed. I love his quotes as I read his biography and autobiography it's really good.

pavloskl profile image

Very thorough article. Thank you for sharing your thoughts Περικλή.

perigk profile image
Periklis Gkolias • Edited

thanks Παυλο :)

remibruguier profile image

That was a really good read. Thank you for taking the time to write such a long yet inspiring piece. Bookmarked it.

timhub profile image
Tech Tim (@TechTim42)

will be 30 soon

jethet profile image

Things only become better, believe me (way over 30, started coding about a year ago and now going to an Ironhack bootcamp ... probably the oldest person there!)

perigk profile image
Periklis Gkolias

It is not that bad :)

fly profile image

Brilliant list, thanks for the post! :)

giorgosk profile image
Giorgos Kontopoulos 👀

@perigk this list is a goldmine thanks for sharing / keep it up.

perigk profile image
Periklis Gkolias

Thak you very much Giorgo :)

robinhoeh profile image

I took that "Learning to learn" course based on your reco. Amazing course! So many goodies in there, thank you!

perigk profile image
Periklis Gkolias

Glad you like it. You may check Mindshift as well. Also at coursera, same teaching crew.

perigk profile image
Periklis Gkolias

Thank you :) Quality hardware has leveled up the enjoyment to be honest

russ profile image

You covered a lot of great points! Thank you for the article!

arifnd profile image
Ari Effendi

Thank to the post, nice one

luqman10 profile image
Abdul Qadir Luqman

how do you keep track of the changes happening in the industry?

perigk profile image
Periklis Gkolias

It is not a silver bullet and there are many ways. That's why I hav asked in the past the community here to share their views.

I would also add that nothing can beat a company of ambitious techies who like to evolve and learn more. In that case you leverage each other's reading.

max_tulian profile image
Max (he/his)

I really enjoyed your post, thanks for sharing!

perigk profile image
Periklis Gkolias

Thank you Max

ochoadev profile image
Luis A. Ochoa R.

Great article. I have just one year of experience as Software Engineer and I think you gave me nice advice about my career.

wadigzon profile image

Great piece. Thanks for sharing.

anjalbinayak profile image
Anjal Binayak Adhikari • Edited

Great One ❤️ , Really Inspiring

williamswill profile image
Oluwafemi Williams

Interesting read, but does anybody really care about Mscs or phds any more?

perigk profile image
Periklis Gkolias

Self-education is taking an exponentially increasingly important role in career-training, but that doesnt mean a "serious university" cannot provide value in leverage. Two MSc's in the same field are not the same.

About Phd, if you want to work on the field of your Phd (or around that area), of course it counts. Not because of the title, but because of the deep down expertise you gained

xpacheco profile image
Xavier Pacheco

Excellent Article, Thank you!

kataras profile image
Gerasimos (Makis) Maropoulos

Awesome article. Thanks Perikli!

perigk profile image
Periklis Gkolias

Thank you Maki :)

ogaston profile image
Omar Gaston Chalas

Thank you a lot for sharing this with the community. These tips are quite helpful and seem like to come from a wise-experienced developer/human being. Absolutely I'd recommend this article.

perigk profile image
Periklis Gkolias

Thank you Omar :)

kamilloo profile image

I'm already over 30 and I agree with your great tips.

slymntkn_34 profile image
Süleyman Tekin

Thanks a lot, I needed this.

emaraschio profile image
Ezequiel Maraschio

This is awesome! Thank you!

perigk profile image
Periklis Gkolias

Thank you Ezequiel

habisl profile image
Habibul Islam

Really worth reading this article. You pointed out all the key aspects that we should follow to stay up to date in the software industry.

perigk profile image
Periklis Gkolias

Discipline is a must for all serious professionals and a bit more important to software engineers imho.

Thank you for your kind words Sophia

10secondsofcode profile image
Elango Sundar

@perigk awesome article. I am very inspired on points #6, #7 and #21 and will follow up. Thanks periklis.