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Discussion on: Why do we write JavaScript like this?

pentacular profile image

Thanks -- that was useful.

The only difference between the examples was the degree of procedural abstraction.

Which backs up my theory that that is what is being confused with declarative programming.

This could have been about if JS is a function language if you wanted to confuse declarative programming with functional programming, but that would be regrettable in my opinion.

Although it's understandable, since a functional style in a procedural language is mostly about leveraging procedural abstraction.

If you can find an example of declarative programming in JS that isn't actually just procedural abstraction, that would be great.

Something which, for example, declares the problem to be solved, rather than specifies how to solve it, regardless of how much procedural abstraction that solution involves. :)

At this point I'm interested in understand how some people have come to think of declarative programming like this -- once it is understood it may be clear how to correct it.

It concerns me because, much as "moron" was once a meaningful technical term that has been reduced to a meaningless schoolyard insult, it seems that "declarative" is being watered down into something similarly meaningless, and I find this disappointing.

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wulymammoth profile image

I mean, a functional style doesn't mean it's not "functional" (programming)...

The only difference between the examples was the degree of procedural abstraction.

I don't disagree here. But hey, we're not all mashing machine code, so we're all operating at one abstraction (as leaky as they may be) or another.

Furthermore, specificity matters only in particular contexts. As human beings, we can't help but make associations -- we constantly hang leaves upon existing branches (even if seemingly the wrong one to someone else at the time). And while on the one hand, precision matters... but mostly when that precision would result in the wrong result or idea. This is why I'm so annoyingly pedantic at times. But here, in the absence of a succinct phrase to describe the difference in writing boilerplate code versus non-boilerplate code, I believe "declarative" (in spirit) is an apt way to describe what's going on if we are in agreement that code readability is the context. At least it's a commonly used way. I don't think we need to course correct here, but rather people familiarize themselves with etymology, such that it avoids misrepresentation in the wrong context.

While I agree with you on both "declarative" and "moron" now, we must understand that language, too, evolves. I think it's a healthy mindset to also be an observer as it evolves and step in from time to time, like you have, to provide some historical context. It's hard, I know, as someone who used to frequently argue with people about the "correct understanding" or "correct meaning" of something, before someone told me to not be so one-dimensional and accept both. Funny, but it's definitely made things easier in some respects, though, more complex and/or intricate which we often fight against. But hey, we're engineers/developers and if we don't do it, we shouldn't expect others to do it, too as we continue to abstract over a complex world

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pentacular profile image
Comment marked as low quality/non-constructive by the community. View Code of Conduct

At this point you can't speak meaningfully about declarative programming. :)
How long before you can't talk about functional programming?
Until everything is one vague blur.
Spinning in an echo,

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wulymammoth profile image
David • Edited

Conflation is a valid concern, but if we believe the best in people, and there are almost always truth seekers among us, we will eventually discover the most minute of differences. We use analogies all the time and they’re okay even if not perfect analog so long as we acknowledge that. It’s really how people learn.

Blurred concepts and terms will always have people to clarify them but I wouldn’t lump that into echo chamber-ism. It is such only for those that spend an entire career in one ecosystem and never step out of their comfort zone to have their fuzzy ideas challenged, conceptualized differently, or placed against in the context of a different domain.

When I think echo chambers, I think JavaScript and its immense cargo culting of front end frameworks and libraries. It’s almost taboo to speak out against React without hearing the common talking points and refrains that its large community of users have adopted to combat dissenters or people suggesting other libraries or frameworks. Dan Abramov of Redux/React and Facebook engineer spoke out against a YouTuber that kept making fun of Angular. I say this because at least with echo chambers it’s easier to spot them and avoid them.

We also can’t teach anyone that isn’t ready to learn, and we tend to forget that some of the smartest people are the most hard-headed and often feel attacked if something or someone challenges their long-established beliefs. It causes tons of cognitive dissonance and often bars them from further learning. I recently had a discussion asking my cousin, a former Google engineer and heavy JS user if he’s checked out SvelteJS or some of the other micro-libraries, and I simply got, “why subject myself to a lack of support?” (not verbatim). That’s classic “straw manning” (just because of this, then it must mean that). What he actually meant was, “I just need to build something and it’s what I’m familiar with and don’t want to spend the time considering all the options right now”. That would be a much better premise to start on and would be fine, but we all know that people don’t say that, because we don’t want others to misconstrue that as being lazy. I’ve been in enough of these conversations now to be able to read between the lines and avoid an entire discussion on trying to share something I find fascinating to someone else when they’re not looking to have me do that.