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Discussion on: Flow control, short-circuit expressions and functional programming in JavaScript

pengeszikra profile image
Peter Vivo

Imho I prefer ? : instead of &&, much more cleaner way to declare what get if someCondition is undefined | false | null | 0 | ""

const whatIsThis = someCondition ? doSomething() : null;
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daslaf profile image
Osman Cea

Yes, for sure, as long as you're interested in the result of the expression. But I've seen people do stuff like this, which is what I'm advocating againts:

function main() {
    ? doSomething()
    : doSomethingElse()
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pengeszikra profile image
Peter Vivo

Yes you right. But what are you think about react reducer switch like this? :

const someReducer(state, {type, payload}) {
  switch (type) {
    case SET_SOME: return {...state, some: payload}
    case WORK_WITH_OTHER: return {...state, other: payload, some: false}
    // ... and so on
    default: return state;
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daslaf profile image
Osman Cea

Looks like a regular reducer to me... how is this related to what we were talking?

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pengeszikra profile image
Peter Vivo

reducer is looks same as ternary with two function, just case use one condition with many pure function.

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daslaf profile image
Osman Cea

Again, this is because you care about the result of the function. My take is: use statements for side effects and expressions for pure functions.