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Cover image for 30+ Git Commands That I Frequently Use
Bhanu Teja Pachipulusu
Bhanu Teja Pachipulusu

Posted on • Updated on • Originally published at

30+ Git Commands That I Frequently Use

Hello World 👋

In this article, I will list out all the git commands that I use very frequently. This is not in any way a complete list, just the commands that I use very often. This is intended to be used as a quick reference to perform an action that you want.

git clone

# Create 'blogs' folder and clone the 'pbteja1998/blogs' repo into it
git clone

# Create `my-blogs` folder and clone the `pbteja1998/blogs` repo into it
git clone my-blogs
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git init

# Initializes the current directory as a git repo
git init
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git add

# Adds the file contents to the index
# Ready to be committed next time you run `git commit`
# By default, Ignores the files present in `.gitignore`

# Add a single file
git add

# Add all the files in the current directory
git add .

# Also adds the files present in `.gitignore`
git add -f .
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git commit

# Commits/Records the changes to the local repo
git commit -m "some message"

# Does not create a new commit
# Adds the changes to the most recent commit
git commit --amend
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git status

# Shows the status of the working tree
git status

# Shows the output in short format
git status -s

# Shows the branch even in short format
git status -sb
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Screenshot 2020-11-13 at 10.59.31 AM.png

git log

# Shows the commit logs
git log
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Screenshot 2020-11-13 at 10.39.39 AM.png

git diff

# Shows the changes between unstaged files and the commits
git diff

# Shows the changes between staged(ready-to-be-committed) files and the commits
git diff --staged
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Screenshot 2020-11-13 at 10.41.43 AM.png

git remote

# Shows all the remotes configured and their remote URL
git remote -v

# Adds a remote
# git remote add <remote-name> <remote-url>
git remote add upstream

# Changes the URL of the remote
git remote set-url upstream
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Screenshot 2020-11-13 at 10.55.54 AM.png

git checkout

# Switch to branch 
# git checkout <branch>
git checkout master

# Creates a new branch and switch to that
git checkout -b new-feature

# Removes all the unstaged changes in the current directory
git checkout .

# Removes all the unstaged changes for a file
git checkout --
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git push

# Pushes the local changes to the remote to keep it up-to-date
git push origin master

# Force push the local changes to the remote
# Usually git will not allow you to push to the remote if the remote has some commits that are not present in local repo
# This will override that check and lets you force push to the remote
# This may cause the remote to lose some commits. So use it carefully.
git push -f origin master

# Push and set the remote as upstream 
# same as `git push --set-upstream origin feature-branch`
git push -u origin feature-branch

# Deletes the branch in the remote
# same as `git push --delete origin new-feature`
git push -d origin new-feature
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git branch

# Deletes the branch locally
# same as `git branch --delete feature-branch`
git branch -d feature-branch

# Force delete a branch even if it's not merged
# same as `git branch --delete --force feature-branch`
git branch -D feature-branch
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git clean

# Removes all the files and directories that are not yet tracked by git
git clean -fd
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git merge

# Merges the <branch> to the current branch
# git merge <branch>
git merge feature-branch
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git pull

# Fetches the changes from the remote and merge it into local repo
git pull origin master
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git reset

# Removes all the changes to the tracked files that have not yet been committed
git reset --hard
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What's Next?

The next article will most probably be a part of My Review of Kent C. Dodds's EpicReact.Dev. Checkout the series page for more info.

Until Next Time 👋

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If you have any comments, please leave them below or you can also @ me on Twitter (@pbteja1998), or feel free to follow me.

Top comments (9)

lulasvob profile image
LulaSvob • Edited

Always use force push with lease except when not possible:

git push --force-with-lease 
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And one more that you should consider starting to use:

git rebase 
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gonzofish profile image
Matt Fehskens • Edited

And if it’s not possible without —force-with-lease, there’s probably a good reason and you should really think about what’s happening before forcing.

And rebase (especially interactive) is crucial to my everyday!

vishnuharidas profile image
Vishnu Haridas • Edited

Undo the last commit:

git reset HEAD~
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This is one of the most upvoted question in StackOverflow.

I... use... this... a lot!

leo8545 profile image
Sharjeel Ahmad

i didnt know about this one: git commit --amend

Thank you for sharing bro.

bgrand_ch profile image
Benjamin Grand


git commit --amend 🙌🙌🙌

mcgurkadam profile image
Adam McGurk

Yeah.....git clean is gonna change my life.

ahmedghazi profile image

What terminal app do you use?

bgrand_ch profile image
Benjamin Grand
b_hantsi profile image
Bala Hantsi 🇳🇬

Awesome! The terminal looks cool