DEV Community

Discussion on: What was the first project you completed on your own? (And felt proud of)

pbouillon profile image
Pierre Bouillon

The first project I was proud about is my little dependency checker in Python, Novigrad (sources on my Github)

I never used Python more than for maths in school and my coworker was a very strict and skilled developer (DevOps, Assembly dev, IoT, etc.). He asked me a dependency checker and I was completely panicked about the idea of having a project that I can not code and deploy.
But I was dead motivated ! So I learned Python all by myself, by reading, coding, failing and asking questions. After two days I finally finished it (and improved it after).
With this project, he congratulates me and could see my limits, then he helped me to push them. Finally the "impostor syndrome" that everyone mention started to fade.

I think it was not about the project but more about the lessons and experiences it gave me after it. I was proud to see that I am able to learn and succeed by myself, proud to see a developer consider me as a developer too, proud to have my name on a functional and useful project, even if nobody use it, it's my first "dev victory"!

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Francis Piche

Just took a look at the source code! Nice work :)