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[Comment from a deleted post]
pazvanti profile image

What benefits does it ad compared to IntelliJ or Eclipse (or VSCode). I did not try it (yet), but judging from the screenshots it does not look good. The interface seems to be from the 80s.
I know it sais it is fast... but in what way exactly? The IDE itself is not something I felt that needs to be faster.

Sorry if I busted your bubble, that was not the intention. Just wanted to know what benefits does it have.

omegaui profile image
omega ui

Dont judge a book by it's cover.
If you really want to know what's different in it.
Then, Try it.

Well, the difference is the blazing speed and extreme lightweightness. Without compromising with features.

The interface is not from the 80s, it's next gen.
See that running in reality on your monitors screen.

pazvanti profile image

I am sorry, but I don't see thing taking off. Maybe it is just me, but the interface is ugly, it has "meh" syntax highlighting and lacks features that many people need (like Gradle integration or GIT support). The colors used are also bad in my opinion.

I give it that it is lightweight, but as I said, I never had problems with the IDE being too big or unresponsive. I prefer a well build and integrated IDE for big projects, and for small edits I can just use a text editor like VSCode or Notepad++. OmegaIDE falls in between and does neighter well.

omegaui profile image
Comment marked as low quality/non-constructive by the community. View Code of Conduct
omega ui • Edited

Giving out judgement without looking into the case is the mark for a ugly person.

Without having been looking into it, you are commenting for it.

Either you are jealous or mad.

I haven't forced you to use it, if you dont like it then go put your assless opinions somewhereelse.

Thank you! For wasting my time.

pazvanti profile image
pazvanti • Edited

First of all, I was just giving criticism. If you can't take it, then it is on your side. No need to be rude.

Second, I did try it.
First thing I saw was a NPE:

Next, I tried to open a complex project . It got stuck for about 30s and I even thought that it won't recover. Turned out that it was just using the UI Thread to parse the opened project, which in my book is bad design.

Next, I tried to switch to the dark theme. I pressed the button but nothing happened:

Next I opened a file... Now it was partially dark, partially light theme:

I tried to run the project. It got stuck completely. See the "run" button that it stuck in the "pressed" state? Another sign that the UI is on the main thread.

Opening new files still worked though (even though it was stuck at "Running 56%) so I dug deeper. You can't re-arrange tabs at all, active tab in dark mode has unreadable text almost, the name being black on a dark grey background. Switching back to light theme again combined the themes. I opened the terminal from within the IDE, but could not type anything there, just got stuck on "(c) 2020 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved". Only a few file formats are currently supported: Java, HTML, JavaScript work but SQL, SBT, Gradle are not.
I tried to create a new file (NOT CLASS) and the UI does not support "Enter", meaning that I have to go back to the mouse and click "Create". It then got completely frozen for a long time. I almost forcefully killed it. So much for "blazing fast"...

Maybe with more work, it can become usable, but in its current state, it won't be used by anyone except for trying it out.

omegaui profile image
omega ui

Ok My Friend! Sorry cause I was rude.
Your comments were not at peace.
Thats why I got offended!

First Of All, It gave that Null... exception cause you are running the IDE inside the non-owned directory as a result your system didn't allowed the IDE to output the UI and Property files that are needed to run it correctly.

Second, You opened a Project Inside Omega IDE that was not created with it.
By Default, it treats alien(not that alien) projects as non-java projects.
You can change it from here.

Thirdly, It is clearly mentioned there that you need to restart after changing the Theme. Its not flutter app, so changing themes requires the change of L&F.

Thank you! For taking an effort.

omegaui profile image
omega ui


You can create a different file from here.

The terminal didn't worked cause of the non-owned directory issue.
The tabs, yes, cannot be rearranged yet.
But the Tabs colors got mutiliated cause of the Theme Switching Issue.
The IDE got stucked at Running Project 56% becuase you didnt selected your JDK environment.

You are right only few file formats are supported till now.

omegaui profile image
omega ui


I use Omega IDE as my daily driver.
It uses at most 320MB of RAM as compared to IntelliJ which recommends minimum of 2Gigs of RAM for seamless usage and as compared to Eclipse that on my system takes 800 MB of RAM Ideally.

From creating something new to creating projects for my school,
I only use Omega IDE. It has been one year since I started learning Java and started creating it simultaneously.

My system has a specification of 1.7GB RAM and 2 cores.
As of now, you can imagine how difficult is to work with resource hungry IDEs like IntelliJ or Eclipse or lets say VSCode.
Which points to a need for a extremely lightweight java IDE.
and so I created Omega IDE.

omegaui profile image
omega ui

If you really want to know how it works.

omegaui profile image
omega ui

You said that my UI Design are from 80s.
Then, What will you say for UI Design of JCreator, 20s??

Hah.. Ok! Thank you!

pazvanti profile image

For a school project it is really cool. But it is far from being a full-fledged IDE that can be used on bigger projects. Yes, it does use a lot less RAM, but so does VSCode (under 250 on my machine usually). I know that is is hard to work with low-speced PCs, my first machine had 512MB, but this is not a major problem nowadays especially for companies.
Nevertheless, keep working on it. At worst you will learn a lot about programming and how to do things properly.

omegaui profile image
omega ui

Ok! I gone through your comment briefly.
First of all, the operation are not running in the UI Thread.
The Run btn will definitely get stucked in pressed state till the time the run process is being prepared thats what happens in IntelliJ or Eclipse.