DEV Community

Pavel Keyzik
Pavel Keyzik

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Let's play a game "Your Topic My Article"

I'm thinking about writing some article about Web Development based on my experience, but I'm not sure what people are interested in. Is there anything you want to know more about Web Development? Most of the time, I work with JS and React ecosystem. I'd be happy to share my experience if I'll find some topic I'm good at ☺️ I could alway learn something if it's new and share my finding.

Top comments (10)

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Cool idea with this post! 🙂

So one potential topic you could cover would be building a web-based game with JS & React.

By the way, here's a pretty cool video of someone doing just that!

Anyway, you could make it a series similar to what you're doing with this post now and ask for readers' input and opinions on where to take the game. I know I'd love to participate in something like that and would totally follow along here!

Don't feel obligated to go with that one. Other folks might have some cool ideas too. Best wishes on whatever ya end up writing on!

pavelkeyzik profile image
Pavel Keyzik

Thank you for sharing the idea of creating some series on how to build some app 😍 I'm currently working on the app to track my personal finances, budgets, subscriptions. Might be a cool idea to show some process, maybe even build something with the community together.

I already have a bunch of code, but maybe building a clone would be a bit more fun. Especially, if I could find some people who want to share their ideas and participate in those kind of discussions.

Here's a sneak peak of what it looks like at the moment 🤫

Image description

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Oh dope! That's super useful. Nice lookin' app!

fifa_mobile_e6e5f5b0c0d5c profile image
Fifa Mobile

That sounds like a fantastic idea! Sharing your experience in Web Development can be incredibly valuable, especially for beginners. Since you work with JavaScript and the React ecosystem, maybe you could write an article about "Common Pitfalls for Beginners in React" or "How to Transition from Vanilla JS to React Effectively." These topics are always popular and can help many developers avoid mistakes early on.

Another interesting angle could be "Building Reusable Components in React" or "Understanding State Management in React for Beginners." Both are essential skills for anyone diving into React and could spark a lot of interest.

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fifa_mobile_e6e5f5b0c0d5c profile image
Fifa Mobile

That sounds like a great idea! There's always a need for more resources on Web Development, especially for beginners. Based on what I've seen at Fc Mobile Download , articles that break down complex concepts into simpler terms are really appreciated. Maybe you could write about how to get started with the JS and React ecosystem, focusing on common pitfalls and best practices for beginners. Another interesting topic could be how to manage state effectively in React or how to optimize performance in React apps. Whatever you choose, I’m sure it’ll be helpful for many people just getting into Web Development!

pamesij384 profile image
Pam Fritch • Edited

I love the interactive approach of creating content based on reader suggestions. It's a fantastic way to engage with your audience and produce relevant articles. I was looking for online gaming sites and found to be a great resource for help with choice of online casinos. It's always fun to discover new platforms and see what they offer.

iharrybrook10 profile image

That sounds like a great idea! Web development is such a vast field, and there's always something new to learn and share. Since you're experienced with JavaScript and React, you could explore topics like advanced React patterns, performance optimization techniques, or perhaps diving deep into certain JavaScript concepts like closures or event delegation. Readers are often interested in practical tips and tutorials, so sharing your expertise in those areas could be valuable for them. Looking forward to reading your articles on captionszee!

brahim_diaz_577a30dbf9853 profile image
Brahim Diaz

The topic is Fc Mobile Download, This is actually a football game for mobile, I want you to write an article on it.

vickibarnes profile image

try playing racing games at you definitely won't be disappointed

vickibarnes profile image

Is minecraft the right choice?

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