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Drax Paulo
Drax Paulo

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The Features of the Updates on ES14 (ECMAScript 2023)

What is the ECMAScript?

The ECMAScript is the official name for javascript as a language standard. It is updated by ECMA regularly and also implemented by the organization as soon as new features have been added and tested to the previous feature. A new version has been released annually since 2015 by the organisation.
Now that the ECMAScript has been explained we get to know about the ES14

The ES14 (ECMAScript 2023)

The ECMAScript 2023 as the name implies is the fourteenth standard of the ECMAScript and was released in the year 2023. It introduced only two main features which were aimed to improve the readability and the mathematical operations of code and were also aimed at evolving javascript even in the slightest of ways
It's important to note that ES14 was a relatively small update compared to its predecessor ES13 (ES2023) and subsequent versions. However, the features it introduced were still significant for developers. The primary goal of the evolution of the ECMAScript is to bring about a significant change in the javascript language, it is also to introduce features that would encourage the more efficient and expressive use of the javascript language in the development environment. The ECMAScript developer community has always charged themselves with improving the javascript world over the years.
ECMAScript's history is quite interesting. It started in 1997 and has seen regular updates since 2015, as a result of the annual change, this approach allows for smaller, more manageable updates to the language rather than large, infrequent overhauls.

Features of the ES14

Below are elaborate explanations of some of the features that the ES14 provides us with. In this section, I will also be providing a visual representation of each feature.

I. The array findLastIndex: This function is used to get or search an array from the end to the beginning. It is used in case scenarios where the last array is needed and it also returns the index of the last element that satisfies the provided testing function. Below is a visual example of the findLastIndex used to get an array.

A series of code showing the use of the findLastIndex feature

II. The Hashbang grammar: This allows the shebang comments at the beginning of the javascript code, the syntax for the shebang/hashbang grammar is #!/usr/bin/env node. The shebang grammar is a line of code that cannot be executed code written at the beginning of the javascript code and javascript ignores this line of code when parsing the code. Below is a visual representation of the shebang grammar.

Implementing the hashbang grammar

III. Update on the WeakMap Keys: The use of objects as a WeakMap Key was introduced, previously, only subjects were used as a WeakMap Key but with the introduction of the ES14, the use of objects was introduced, thereby enhancing the use of WeakMaps. Below is a visual representation of the WeakMap Key.

Implementing the update on the WeakMap key

IV. Change of Array By Copy: The introduction of methods like toReversed(), toSorted(), toSpliced() and with(), helps to perform a non-destructive operation on arrays. Below is a visual representation of this new feature.

A series of code showing the change of array methods

V. WeakRef and FinalizationRegistry objects: These allow the creation of weak references to objects and allow the user to request a call-back when an object is garbage-collected. The purpose of this is to improve memory management and build a more efficient data structure. Below is a visual representation of this feature.

A code example of the WeakRef and FinalicationRegistry operation

VI. The introduction of Atomics.waitAsync: This is used to support non-blocking synchronization in memory situations and it is also useful in multi-threaded javascript environments. It is the asynchronous version of Atomics.wait. Below is the visual representation of this feature.

A code example of the Atomics.wait function

VII. The introduction of RegExp /v flag: This is used to enable more Unicode-aware pattern matching. It became the new flag for expressions and allows for better handling of case folding and other Unicode properties in regular expressions. It also allows adding comments within the regex for better documentation.

A code example of the RegExp operation

VIII. Ergonomic brand checks: This is used to simplify the process of checking private fields in objects, it makes it more inherent to know if an object has a specific private field. It also makes use of the in operator with a private field name. Below is a visual example of the brand check feature.

A code example showing how to check for a private field

These features stated above enhance the Javascript capacity and make it more flexible and powerful for developers.

Uses of the ES14 features

These features find applications in various scenarios:

  1. The features can be used in developing complex software that entails maintaining private fields for data security and integrity.
  2. They can also be used in data validation, and search algorithms where precise pattern matching is required.
  3. They can be used in scripting and automation tasks where asynchronous tasks or operations are common, thereby improving code clarity.
  4. They can be used in scheduling operations and financial systems.
  5. They can be used in creating applications that require efficient memory management.

Advantages of ES14 Features

The advantages of the ES14 include;

  1. Increased memory management with WeakRef and FinalizationRegistry.
  2. It allows simpler checks for private fields in class.
  3. It allows a simpler creation of executable Javascript files.
  4. It helps with a better approach to array handling with non-destructive files.
  5. It introduced advanced Unicode support in regular expressions.

Disadvantages of the ES14 features

The disadvantages of the ES14 include;

  1. Features when misused or overused can make the code less readable.
  2. The introduction of some complex features might be too much for much simpler tasks.
  3. It introduces compatibility issues with old browsers and environments.
  4. The need to update new development tools to support new syntax.
  5. Developers would need to earn new syntax and API which would take more time and input.

Comparing the ES13 and the ES14 features

  1. The ES13 focused more on class-related features and error handling while the ES14 focused more on array manipulation and non-destructive features.
  2. The ES13 introduced top-level await for asynchronous systems, while the ES14 improved memory management for WeakRef and FinalizationRegistry.
  3. The ES13 update was mainly focused on object-oriented programming, while the ES14 focused more on developing array operations and Unicode support.



In conclusion, ES14 brings a host of new features and enhancements that significantly improve the JavaScript language. Key updates made in the ES14 enhanced code readability, maintainability, and security, and provided a robust solution for date and time handling, addressing previous limitations. Also, the simplification of asynchronous programming, makes it more intuitive and efficient. Logical assignment operators and improved memory management features like WeakRefs and FinalizationRegistry further streamline coding practices and optimize performance. These updates reflect the ongoing evolution of ECMAScript, ensuring JavaScript remains a powerful and versatile tool for modern web development.

Closing Remarks

The world is evolving daily and also the tech space keeps evolving, it is advisable that developers familiarize themselves with these features to leverage their full potential in building more effective and maintainable applications, and always being abreast of whatever new feature is introduced in the Javascript world so as to stay relevant and more productive.

Thank you for reading, I hope it was helpful.

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