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Paul Gildea
Paul Gildea

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Fluent UI React v9 with Formik and Yup

This post was inspired by the documentation examples from the Formik documentation.

This tutorial assumes that you have some previous experience working with Formik and Yup. If you are, then this becomes an exercise of mapping formik props to corresponding Fluent UI React Components.

This tutorial will cover high-level usage of Formik, but it's recommended you go read through the documentation to learn more.

1. Install the necessary dependencies

For this example, it's recommended that you install the following npm dependencies:

  • npm install formik handling form data
  • npm install yup for value parsing and validation
  • npm install @fluentui/react-components - for Form components
  • npm install @fluentui/react-icons - for icons

2. Build out your Form

For this example we're building the following login experience and will break down composing the UI and adding in the Formik and Yup validation:
Screenshot of a Login experience with Fluent UI React Components

Compose the form layout with CSS-in-JS

We start off with the high-level layout of the form leveraging Griffel, the CSS-in-JS engine that comes with Fluent UI React.

Let's start off using CSS Flexbox to lay everything out in a vertical stack with a maximum width of 480px:

const useStyles = makeStyles({
  form: {
    display: "flex",
    flexDirection: "column",
    maxWidth: "480px"
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Apply it to our UI using the className prop on the form.

export default function App() {
  const c = useStyles();
  return (
    <FluentProvider theme={webLightTheme}>
        <form className={c.form}>
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Add in Fluent UI React Components

We'll be using the Input, Label, and Button components.

Also I created a small little ErrorText component to help display the error messages after validation.

export default function App() {
  const c = useStyles();
  const inputId = useId("input");
  const passId = useId("pass");
  return (
    <FluentProvider theme={webLightTheme}>
        <form className={c.form}>
          <Label htmlFor={inputId} required>
          <ErrorText />
          <Label htmlFor={passId} required>
          <ErrorText />
          <Button appearance="primary" type="submit">
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3. Add in Formik and Yup

Finally add in Formik for handling the form data and Yup for creating your form parsing and validation.

Declare your Yup validation

Let's set up simple validation for the email and password entries.

const validationSchema = yup.object({
  email: yup
    .email("Enter a valid email")
    .required("Email is required"),
  password: yup
    .min(8, "Password should be of minimum 8 characters length")
    .required("Password is required")
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Declare Formik initial values, assign the validation, and define your submit action

For this example, onSubmit will just alert the values of the form, but you can imagine this could call any backend service.

const formik = useFormik({
  initialValues: {
    email: "",
    password: ""
  validationSchema: validationSchema,
  onSubmit: (values) => {
    alert(JSON.stringify(values, null, 2));
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Map Formik props to Fluent UI React Components

This one is pretty straightforward in that you simply match the up the Formik prop with Fluent UI React Component prop.

<form onSubmit={formik.handleSubmit}>
  <Button appearance="primary" type="submit">Login</Button>
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You should get the idea here.

As always, here's the complete CodesandBox:

Finally, be sure to check out the ErrorText Component. It's just a React Functional Component with some CSS-in-JS, Design Tokens, Fluent UI React Icons, and HTML.

Let us know what other code examples you want to see and feel free to reach out to the team!


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