DEV Community

Discussion on: How I set my Linux computer for coding

patryktech profile image

For web dev, I'd also recommend:

  • Docker, docker-compose (run your software in containers - very handy for replicating the same setup on your dev machine and deployment servers, and keeping architecture as code).
  • Guake (for Gnome) or Yakuake (KDE) dropdown terminal - why bother alt-tabbing through a million windows when you can just toggle the terminal with F12 - very handy to run tests, restart containers, etc.
  • pytest, jest, cypress ... Software that isn't tested is broken as designed.
  • CI/CD ... I use Gitlab-CI (😍😍😍), but any CI tools will do (Travis is popular on GitHub, I believe, there's also Jenkins, etc.) Run your tests every time you push to your repo.
mendoza profile image
David Mendoza (He/Him)

I love them all, you know I have just used jest. I have never used a test on any other software hahaha, oh and ci just for expo

patryktech profile image

Jest is great for unit tests, and some integration tests.

Cypress is amazing for end-to-end testing. I love watching it open a browser, and interact with my site in a full-fledged UI.

Biggest reason tests take time away from dev sometimes is because of how much I just love watching them run 😅

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mendoza profile image
David Mendoza (He/Him)

I can tell that I do love watching them, but I don't think that they are necessary 100% especially if you are testing while coding,
I have used jest for integration, but never for unit.

ghost profile image

Docker is invaluable, because of your reasons and also to easily try versions without making a mess with your system filling it with a bunch of libs, programs, config files, etc. And gives you freedom to use whatever weird distro you like (if you work in Linux) instead to be tied to something similar than your target.

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David Mendoza (He/Him)

I agree on this, sometimes getting tons of libraries on your PC is not the best and it can help