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Whether you are a blockchain enthusiast or developer, you must have come across the terms "Web 2.0" and "Web 3.0". You are probably thinking "there must be Web 1.0"; you're absolutely right. While this article focuses on the difference between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 in a bid to illuminate Web 3.0 as the underlying technology for blockchain technology, efforts will be made towards describing the evolution of the web and generations of internet services with distinct variation in terms of interaction with the internet.

With advancement in web technologies, the internet has evolved through different phases where each phase or generation represents an upgrade or improvement on the one which precedes it. Web 1.0 was a static "read only" web technology where users passively engaged with the contents of a website. Web 2.0 represents a significant build on the interaction capabilities of the web by providing a dynamic mechanism where users can interact with the web. It also facilitates the sharing of content across different areas such as sports, entertainment, fashion, e.t.c. Web 3.0 on the other hand incorporates machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence to process data based on a users needs. In this way, Web 3.0 fosters "personalised" use and interaction with the web. Let us now dive deeper into the differences between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0.

To compute a detailed comparison between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0, our differentiating lens will focus on the following areas: Definition, Focus, Technologies, Data Democracy, and Types of Applications

  • Definition: Web 2.0 represents the second generation of the internet with a dynamic mechanism to allow and promote interaction between users and content on the website. Web 3.0 on the other hand represents the third generation which focuses on the application of machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence to drive personalisation and decentralisation

  • Focus: The primary focus of Web 2.0 is community development by enhancing users to interact with content on the internet; a very good example is social media. On the contrary Web 3.0 focuses on user empowerment by facilitating adequate authentication, improved trusts, security and privacy.

  • Technologies :The underlying technologies for Web 2.O include AJAX, Javascript, HTML5 and CSS3 while major technologies for Web 3.0 include semantic web, machine learning and decentralised protocols such as smart contracts.

  • Data Democracy : The Web 2.0 version of the internet is based on stand alone computers which uses an Internet Protocol (IP) to exchange data between different computers. In this way a copy of data is sent across various servers and computers thus limiting privacy. On the contrary the protocol in Web 3.0 is open source allowing transparency across Peer to Peer (P2P) networks while maintaining privacy.

  • Types of Applications: The types of applications associated with Web 2.0 include podcasts, personal blogs and vlogs, videos websites. The type of applications associated with Web 3.0 include Decentralised Apps(Dapps), Multi-user environments, the Metaverse, e.t.c

The comparison of the features of Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 is the way to go in terms of internet infrastructure, services, security, trust, and privacy. Web 3.0 also promises to revolutionise the popular apps we use today by incorporating machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence.

_To learn more about Web3.0 and blockchain technology, check out the following sites : ,/ , _

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