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Discussion on: What Are You Going To Do When AI Steals Your Job?

panditapan profile image

A gardener. I kinda want to be one when I'm a bit older anyway. Have my own little plant shop and stuff, something relax :3

But I need to learn how to not kill my plants first, which ironically, orchids don't die with me. You know, the really hard to care plants? but cactus do! The super easy newbie friendly plants doooo. hahaha

jsrn profile image

I wish I had your orchid skills. There isn't a plant on this green earth that I can't kill. I want to get a snake plant, as they are apparently very hardy, but...

Death will find a way.

tammalee profile image
Tammy Lee

cough I just purchased three snake plants and many succulents. The snake plants are just sitting around with mostly just the kitchen lights and a lamp in the living room to give them light and... they're thriving!

panditapan profile image

Well, I'm currently in a very dry place, so I decided to try semi water culture with my orchids and they THRIVE, they give me roots in the first few weeks like crazy! The best part is that you can let them be for a while. I'm currently going to study how to fertilize them so they can start blooming. I suggest you read up on it and see if it helps you out :3

And good luck with the snake plant! I'm sure you'll break the spell with it :D